Leave me a Note, Damn It!
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2001-04-29 - 3:14 a.m.


You said who with t he what now?

Things defintely have a way of working themselves out. And I'm glad its all for the better.

Only because today was such a nice day. It was kind of warm, but at the same time cold. And it was also my mom's birthday. That really rules, because she is the greatest person ever. But at the same time, I eliminated so many problems I didn;t need from my life. I got back together with friends, spent some time with some older friends, and I figured out that there really is no problem with me and my girlfriend; I'm just really a paranoid idiot and being ignored isn't always a sign I'm a TOTAL idiot (which I feel I am at times).

I've also found that people cease to amaze you. No matter how much you think you know of someone, they shock and stupefy you in ways you can only shrug off for the time being and look back on when you have a clear head. Limits are only such for the time being and they can all be surpassed but it only takes time. That and patience.

So yeah I'm rambling and rambling to a whole bunch of people who sit on thier computer and look to someone else to show them something that they haven't seen before. I don't feel as though this diary will shock anyone, but on the off chance that I am radically changing someone's life without realizing it (a moment that has the same chance as being struck by lightening in a house), let me tell you that life is not all as bad as it seems. I can't tell you how much I figured life to be this silly joke that one person gets, but it's never you... and now I wake up ready to greet the day. Angels don't have it so well.

So yeah, this is definitely a "Belmo's happy for a goddamn change" entry. Smiles are far and few between, and true happy smiles are a golden moment. I'll wear this smile like my heart on my sleeve...ever ready to be knocked off. Goodnight.

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