Leave me a Note, Damn It!
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2002-08-05 - 10:00 a.m.


The Failures of the Highway Patrol

"DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!" - LeeDude's favorite word, said as it's spelt.

I can't believe it.

I talked about it happening and I can't believe it did.

It's not drastic but read this and then read this and you'll see how much better the summer is now that it's ending.

It's a shame when the best part of your summer is the end of it. I've been on the radio now for only 3 weeks and I've had a blast each time I went on, and now it's over.

But it appears TV is trying its damnedest to make it up to me for the countless times it has s'd major d.

The California Highway Patrol let a man go.

They lost.

This one scene has not smashed my belief that TV is fake as all hell and it's really a tool to dumb us all down so that we can be more docile and obediant because, hey, entertained people aren't going to fuck shit up. Oh, I'm well aware that it wasn't ORIGINALLY invented for that.

It was originally invented to spew forth propaganda on how America SHOULD be but could never reach. Don't beleive me? Tell me one interesting or even realisitic thing from Leave it to Beaver or any uppity Father Knows Best bullshit. It was all blueprints for how it is decided things are the American way, the goal people have set for themselves to obtain, despite the utter disregard as to the possibility for it happening. It was morality plays and guidelines. Nowadays, the slant is towards entertainment and people like blowing shit up and gratuitous sex, booze, money and drugs.

To get away from this whole "they're coming to take our minds away" mentality (sorry, I was just watching Conspiracy Theory and I thought of my days in Mass Media class last month and it all kind of came together) TV still is a piece of utter shit. But everyonce and a while, you find a diamond in the turd.

So I'm watching the show, eating my ghetto Smacks (the big bag o cereal for 98 cents) and laughing at all the people who consider running from 8 cop cars by driving over street signs a good idea and then it happens.

The guy made it to the border of Mexico and they had to give up.

I dropped my spoon in shock.

I saw him running into a town and I was like "Where did the cops go?" but they couldn't chase him.

Of course, the show didn't go "Welll, looks like we lost." NAh, they couldn't lose face. They couldn't admit that sometimes, the police eat shit when it comes to a chase. They were like "He might have gotten away from our police but he'll get his from the dealers for leaving the car in the US."

Now, I'm not naive enough to go "No he won't. The drug dealers will understand thier 230 pounds of Cocaine didn;t show up, setting them back millions of dollars." I'm not that fucking dumb. But you can't guarantee that he DID get his.

For all we know, he's on the beach in Mexico with a drink in his hand RIGHT NOW, laughing his ass off. That man is on top of the world.

Or under it. You know either or.


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