Leave me a Note, Damn It!
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2002-08-06 - 7:41 p.m.


Wacky ass shit

"We're so close, I can taste it in my cock!" - Possible the most obscure reference I'll ever post, ever.

So things happen in twos here.

Well, not really, but it just appears that way sometimes.

Supposedly by 2 different accounts, I'm a "RENAISSANCE MAN", which could mean I'm good at a lot of things or I'm a big douchebag with one of those dog collar looking things on all the time. I just hope I'm not a douchebag.

And also, I went go-kart racing for the first time in like forever and a fucking day. It's odd only because I watched the Simpsons today on the Canadian episode and one of the first things they did was Go-Kart race. I was like "guh?" as I packed up my room.

That's another thing. I packed up my room. I'm soooo close to leaving Plattsturd that I can't leave fast enough.

I'm so close I can taste it in my cock.

This Thursday, I'm going to swarm LI. I'm going to rain down on it like a souped up fucking frieght train of rock. I'm going to get home, immediately bust into my car, blast music as loud as eardrums will allow, and fucking throwing up a rock on symbol as I scream like a fucking banshee ripping shit up and down the street.

I think I might even sleep on the beach one night. I haven't seen a decent beach in ages.

I hung out with MAndy for the first time in 2 weeks yesterday. I even helped her get back into college, or attempted to help. Then we tried to find somewhere to swim, only to waste all possible time due to accute "Idon'tknowwherethefuckwe'regoingitis" and then ending up having to pick up Cory (who is the funniest motherfucker ever) and go GoKarting and on a 80 mph race to beat the doors from closing at a Mexican food place.

We made a 1 1/2 ride in just over 45 minutes. In the dark for half of it. I;ve never smiled wider wondering which tree if any would eat me.

Ok, time to go finish boxing up my crap, then tomorrow it all goes to storage and then...



Last Few

What did you just say? - What's he gonna say next?

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