Leave me a Note, Damn It!
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2001-12-12 - 2:34 a.m.


Jingle Balls, Jingle Balls...

Merry cockmas and a happy new rear.

The last joke of a great era.

This semester is good and done, spent going to professor's houses and getting drunk, then coming back and visiting my friend Joe, then back to the dorms where I would play Tony Hawk 2X on X-Box with Josh, playing the word "cockmaster" as horse. It was somewhere between "cockma" and "cockmast" that we realized there was a holiday only celebrated in Tony Hawk.

Hallmark Cockmas cards do not go on sale for another week.

I'm done with this semester. It's over and I don't have to look back in shame. I don't even have to look back, like in kung fu movies, where the guy doesn't turn around, but smiles knowing the guy is dead. I know what I did with myself this semester. I know how much further I took myself. When Theresa would tell me of all she had to do for Rainbow, I laughed and joked about her taking a break. I laughed becuase I didn't understand then, but I do now. I wasn't doing anything but sitting around playong video games all semester with my free time at Lowell. There was always the occasional Dr. Hump practice or softball game, but I could have been involved so much with school, which I solely contribute to be the reason I have done so well in Plattsburgh. I could be worried about the right size of tape instead of the right size of word.

And now I'm done, set off to go to Lowell yet again and run rampant through olden times and older traditions, when things held a more personal and sentimental feeling. I feel like I'm leaving here with a smile of enjoyment and fulfillment, but I left Lowell with a tear. I missed everyone when I left Lowell, but here, I just call it time out and I know I'm gonna see them. Pretty soon, dorms won't contain me and apartments await. Why would I complain that I can't hang out for a month when we get a full year of hanging out later?

Sentiment aside, Lowell was the birthplace of much of my creativity and inspiration whereas Plattsburgh showed me my work ethic and party ability, ironically both well. I can't explain it, but this place strikes me as funny. The beautiful mountains around here capture my head and spin my sight around so that all I see is the nature around me. I enjoy more physical activity here, hiking Poke Moonshine to smoke in the firetower with the 4 Horsemen, the endless games of Basketball. Everything just rushing around.

Lowell was more intellectual. We played softball and threw insults from the outfield, make ridiculous songs wearing ridiculous getups (kids, ba dum dum fail) and basically causing mayhem and enlightenment anywhere we go. There must be some kind of magic in the walls of that school that guarantees anyone stepping through those doors could strike gold. Bands that could devastate the old hackneyed rock gods in sonic mastery. A music scene so lively and diverse that even other schools are starting to take notice and even a whole state is turning it's head slowly, watching guitars, pianos, drums, everything fly out at them and construct melodies that make them go wild. This is power and godliness in its most mortal form. People's lives are changed on the simple power other's words have held for them, the notes they hear them play.

So here's to another semester squarely behind me. I wave goodbye to wave hello to the old to wait until the "spring" (regardless of the few feet of snow all the time) semester to see jokes pop out like cockmas.

Because cockmas only comes once a year.


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