Leave me a Note, Damn It!
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2001-12-09 - 12:53 p.m.


iBelmo! rocks the fuck out

My brain is itchy. This new day is like walking for the first time all over again. I remember scenes last night of pure bliss, skating with the most amazing girl I've ever met (who only hours before sold Shpunt cigarettes in the Stewart's up the road and who came skating up to me with a smile that light up the ice). Mind stretched to its limits as she drifts away, dancing on memories spinning through my cerebrum. The stumble to the house of brothers and the insane scene that unfolded as we opened the door...like the lounge scene in Fear and Loathing, I watched everyone rubbing and stumbling and drinking and falling...christmas trees being beaten, the image I attribute to utmost childhood purity demolished. Then came the overturn, where I was picked up and spun upside down, beer shooting out of my can and mouth and up my nose while I laugh in a muddy beeranddirt mess on the floor. I felt like I did when I fell down on the ice with her, flicking shavings at each other...the whole night was magical. I take in tow with me a night full of insane pleasure, despite others pains. Vomitting, stumbling, passing out, crying... none of the ailments I saw last night in myself, but I looked out around me and I was surrounded by it. And I just stood in the middle of this big steaming shit and smiled, knowing that everything is just fine. People fuck up, things go wrong, and then you wake up and make up for it any way you can, while trying to live just a little so tha you can enjoy these little meaningless miracles.

I raise my glass to the new age.


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