Leave me a Note, Damn It!
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2003-10-15 - 2:40 p.m.


Just let it go that he didn't let it go

Here's a quicky for all you Cubs fans out there, who are steamed because there is such a thing as a Game 7 tonight.

We all thought you'd be used to losing by now. You have been doing so well at it for nearly a decade that we thought that losing was ok with you people. Hell, you haven't even BEEN to the World Series in almost 50 years, let alone win one.

Just to let you know, I'm a Mets fan. I know all about losing. You losing one game in the post-season is nothing compared to what happened to the Mets.

Anywho, the one douchebag who put his hand out to try and catch a foul ball WHICH ANYONE IN THE WORLD WOULD LOVE TO DO IN A POST-SEASON GAME BECAUSE THAT'S A HELL OF A FOUL BALL was wearing a Cubs hat. Just so you can drop all of your conspiracy theories, he wasn't a Marlins fan. He also was not a Marlins fan who was undercover and tried to make it look like he was a Cubs fan, but ruined it for everyone. If you believe that, then you really are stupid enough to root for the Cubs. There's no way to find out where to sit where you will get a foul ball so it's not like this guy planned this and he only wanted a souvenier or however you spell that because I don't have spell check.


This was one action in a string of events. How did your amazing team that was robbed of what's rightfully theirs react to this flub in foul territory? An 8-run slaughter beating. It's like being in a Wild Wild West shootout and you take a shot at someone and miss them by inches and they take out a gattlin gun and fill you full of metal until you leak blood from everywhere. It was a STRING OF TERRIBLE PLAYING that killed your chances at a game 6 win.

And also.

You had two more innings to take it back. TWO. True, not full innings, but you only get half an inning to bat anyway. So, you could have potentially gotten 3 runs per inning and you could have won, which is not impossible.

I will, however, refer you to the scoreboard and point out it took you an entire game to get 3 runs, so that 3 runs an inning is only an idea. Your opponents, however, got 8 runs in one inning. Even half of this would have put you within one and is still greater than your entire score.

Is there really a curse on your team created by a man and a goat that has prevented you from tasting the chalice of victory for quite some time now? That's debatable, and when the debate is over, the answer will be no. Any team that lets up 8 runs an inning is not all that good. I'll refer you to another 8-3 game. It was the last one you won, when you lead the series 3-1. Now it's 3-3. You can no longer put your feet up and relax as you take a ride down Easy Street towards the World Series. You've foolishly turned off that street and headed down Ass Whooped Yet Another Year Street and unless you can turn around tonight and get back to that road that leads to the Golden End, you're just going to have to settle with that familiar taste of shit in your mouth that comes standard with being either a Cubs fan or a Mets fan.

It's called losing.


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