Leave me a Note, Damn It!
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2003-10-11 - 5:21 p.m.


Lost week

So it's been a long time since I've been writing here and whatnot. I went to Atlantic City and kicked a lot of ass, bringing home $120. Oh, yeah, and I did some work. My job is fucking awesome and I'm looking forward to sitting in a cubicle everyday, talking to strangers about putting words on a piece of paper and giving us money for it. I wonder when my next convention is? I wonder when I'll have the article for the first one done?

Anywho, my parents went away for a week to California and I'm stuck here, drinking away and relaxing because I can't rest on the weekdays, which sucks but I guess working is good for me. Seeing as I was sitting on a couch watching TV all day two weeks ago, I'd say things have gotten a bunch better.

I remember last week. A week ago, I was walking around the Borgatta, throwing dollar bills into a machine and getting more dollar bills to come out. I went with my co-worker Karen to a Japanese BBQ thing where the chef did a whole presentation practically, where he burns the grill top and makes a big explosion on the metal out of oil, then he starts cooking food for you right in front of you. Whatever you ordered, cooked up right in front of you on a humungous flat-top grill. And then he throws a shrimp at you, but I can't eat shrimp so he threw a bunch of chicken and I caught it in the air. Me, Karen, her sister and her friend who happened to be there ate with a guy who looked like Freeway, some fat lady who looked like the chick from BAPS, a guy who looked like the bad guy from Billy Madison and some lady stupid enough to go out on a date with a guy who looks like the bad guy from Billy Madison after that guy drank 8 Sakis on a first date. I know I'm not much of a gentleman, but bringing your first date to a dinner that includes a pyrotechnic show at a table with 10 strangers as a weird oriental man wings shrimp at you is bad enough. Going to this fiasco with someone who is fucking trashed is something totally different. I wonder if he even knew her name...

For whatever reason captivated me, I decided to go from Philadelphia (which is where we picked up KAren's sister) and get dropped off at home, only to switch bags and run up to Plattsburgh without sleeping. This translates to me getting up at 7 am, covering the last 5 hours of a convention, playing slot machines for a few hours, driving from Atlantic City to Philly, eating steak at a Japanese Steak House, fight through traffic from Philly to home and then hopping in a car exhausted so that I could drive 6 hours cracked out on 3 cups of coffee, 2 red bulls, a bunch of No Doz and a Gatorade up to Plattsburgh so that I could spend more time with Erin for our 6 month anniversary. I brought her a bag of goodies that I got for her and tried to pass out, but couldn't because I hadn't seen my girlfriend in 3 weeks. My biological clock has been fucked ever since.

A week later and I'm in my house without anyone else here, no one to bother me or tell me what is what and I'm trashed because there was nothing else to do. I knew I was going to be sitting around and I figured "why not do it drunk?"

IS it proper to have a hangover at 5:35 in the afternoon?


Last Few

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