Leave me a Note, Damn It!
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2002-05-31 - 3:35 p.m.


56k of glory

"No it isn't" - Belmo

SO it looks like I'm done with my Film and TV review class. YAH! But now I got 2 new classes next semester...boooo.

And by semester, I mean next month. Summer's weird like that. Shit, this past "semester" was only 2 weeks. I can't even grow a full beard in 2 weeks.

OR CAN I!!!!!! hmmmmmmm (scratches blank chin)

I saw Sick Boy's (aka Commack Pete's) web diary. Looks like this thing is still infectious. I thought everyone else I knew gave up on this but me. Well, me and Tape. Nice to see I'm not the only one tossing my ideas around cyberspace.

By the way, happy birthday Pete. Sorry I couldn't come down. I came down with a slight case of Igotnoride. It's like gonnorhea but more of a pain in the balls and less fun to get.

Courtney and Neil came back today too. Hopefully, this is the first of the many people I want to see come back up to the north country. It's lonely in my 16 X 16 box with a bathroom. And I'm running out of things to do. There's only so much humming the Hawaii Five-O theme song or beating up homeless people a person can do before life gets boring.

I also found a good source for fun up here. It's called sleeping. I've never seen this before, this thing you normal people call sleep. It's very interesting.

Speaking of gibberish, I fucking souped up my apartment last night in a boredom (and alcohol) induced frenzy. My bathroom kicks ass. Thought you'd like to know. You didn't? Fuck you.

I did laundry the first time this summer lastnighttoday (it kind of ran over into today, because they close the place at 10. Thats well before the normal Belmo laundry time, which is 1 AM to 4:30 AM. I get out too much.)

This dialup horseshit is making me fucking nuts. How the hell can people talk to each other on 56K modems? This is why I'm proud I was a spoiled piece of shit when it came to the internet: when my parents decided they wanted the internet, they got cable. Fuck this "WWRRRRRRRRRRAWWWWW doot doot doot doot doot MAMPH MAMPH MAMPH currrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr WEEEEOOOOOOOH" bullshit. I actually have a faster connection in my cell phone. That's scary.

Terminator 2, here you come.


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