Leave me a Note, Damn It!
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2002-05-29 - 12:15 p.m.


Rebirth of Slick

"Have you ever found a place where God would have felt at home?" - Sean connery in "The Name of the Rose". I had to watch that fucking movie.

Nothing "new" or "up" in Belmoland - just getting poorer and boreder (if that's even a word). My "semester" is almost up, so after this Friday I'll actually have a true class to go to.

I do not consider Film and TV Review a legitamate class because it's too much fun and it's too damn easy for me. It's more of a hobby than anything else.

I'm losing my AOL account name ass soon as my parents pull the plug on AOL. About goddamn time. I'm tired of hearing that "You Got Mail" crap. AOL is only good for stealing programs, and even then it's shitty. I've still got MIrc and Yahoo mail to use, so why pay for the cow when you can get the sex for free?

That one goes out to no one.

I hate being alone and this summer is the summer of alone. Truly, I know all of 10 people up here decently and only 3 of them are here now. What the summer holds for me, I don't know, but I do know this: it will be a routine thing and it will be boring, no doubt about it.

I hung out with one of my Japanese roomates last night. TAK-OW! that's his name (or at least how I picture it written). He is fucking funny as all hell, but at the same time, he makes my head spin. He's never had many of the basic things I have in life before.

Take for example, Nirvana.

He had no idea who Kurt Kobain was. I wanted to cry.

This is not his fault or anyone's fault or even a bad thing, but you don't realize the price of some things to you until someone shows you the tag. He listened to that CD for the first time, a feeling no one gets twice. I got to play him his first taste of Nirvana, then the Police, the Who, Led Zepplin, the Kinks, the Motor City 5, the Ramones, Iggy Pop, Foo Fighters, Pearl Jam, Alice in Chains, and damn there's just too many to put down.

I'm his American hook up on music.

It boggles my mind all the music I've heard that I thought everyone, the world over, has heard at least once or even thier names mentioned. But nope. Not even CHEAP TRICK! LIVE AT FUCKING BUDOKAN!!! CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT SHIT?

Again, it's hard to hear someone starving like that. I had to feed him.

so the next time you put on your headphones and listen to that "same boring CD" that you've heard eleventy billion times, just think that someone out there hasn't even heard of the name of the band, and that you've been given this gift of music, and your CD will play a little better than you could imagine.

Thanks TAK-OW!


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