Leave me a Note, Damn It!
link to diary critic

2002-05-27 - 11:27 a.m.


I would not like it in a bar, I would not like in on the floor..."

"Oh my god, there's a dog driving that car" - Something I said while drunk the other day.

Well, summer's heat is only beat by ice cold beers and dancing feet, but some may say you throw away your money when that is your day.

I think I'd rather be drunk than anything else in the world. Not even in love.

Just had to watch the movie version of "In the Heat of the Night" for Film/TV review class. Yes, class. While you're out either by the beach or doing some half ass summer job (or it's just another day for those career oriented folk) I'm stewing inside a classroom, watching movies and writing about them. I get home around 1:30 and I drink until I pass out and when I wake up, I go out and drink until I come back and pass out again.

I'm living the drunken vacation. You couldn't buy this much fun if you wanted to...wait yeah you could.

Anyway, I'm shutting my brain off for the next week so that I can relax before this week is over. Next week starts my double class load - Media and wahtever that class is caled and utopias in Literature. I'll also be getting a job (someday) and god knows you can't show up to work drunk...


So now is the time to tip your glass and pass the days as you would wish. Clink clink glug glug the day is done, time to go do another one.

Damn Seussical if you ask me.


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