Leave me a Note, Damn It!
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2002-05-23 - 3:37 p.m.


Welcome to Paradise, sucka



Very very very very very empty.

There is all of no one around here and I literally come back from classes and drink myself into a nap, only to wake up and walk aimlessly around Plattsburgh until I go home to sleep to redo everything I did the day before.

At least I have a phone now.

It has occured to me that had I a car, I would be far, far, far better off than I am right now. For instance, the nap would probably be changed into "drive into Canada and fuck mad shit up" or the occasional "drive to a friend's house and party till my testicles fall off".

Actually, I need those.

I got a cell phone now. This is the end of the world as I know it and I feel fine.

If anyone feels the need to call me, just email me and ask for my number, because posting a phone number on the internet for a phone that is cradled to my leg at all times is just A-OK...if I want stalkers and freaks calling me. At least now, I can filter the dangerous stalkers from the simply annoying ones.

I would kill anyone for some duct tape, electrical tape and a bookcase. PLEASE ASK ME TO KILL FOR A BOOKCASE!

It would cut into my nap time.


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