Leave me a Note, Damn It!
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2002-05-20 - 12:14 a.m.


It's a cruel....cruel summer.

Some things change, some things stay the same....

Well, it's my last night of summer vacation and it's May. Not only that, it's a good 2 weeks till June. Tomorrow, I jump into a car and speed my way north to Plattsburgh, to move into a single, to sit there and wait for Tuesday, where I will be thrown head first into summer school.

Unlike the 80's movie of the same name, I will not be some troubled teen with some problem outside the classroom that my cool teacher, whose girlfriend left for Hawaii, will help me with, while at the same time that same teacher will score with the hot teacher, who ends up acting on a show called "Cheers".

And I definitely will not have fun.

Got to hang out with a lot of people, unfortunately not everyone, when I came back. I even got to use my brand new ID in my first LI bar. Goody. I'm well on my way to alcoholism.

I didn't get a phone call I was waiting for this weekend. It's funny, I'm like a stupid stereotypical teenage girl, waiting patiently by the phone for the phone call, only I don't have to worry about my first period or which dress I have to wear tomorrow.

Actually, that was ridiculous and the fact that I even typed it makes me feel dumb. But then again, that's the way I feel now: dumb.

I got to see an episode of my favorite Long-Island-exclusive TV show, Slacker TV, thanks to Pete. And it kicked all sorts of ass. Imagine seeing some band like months ago playing shitty cover songs in a bar and then you come home and they're playing sold out shows in arenas. That's the comparison of the levels I see them going at. It was like watching people you didn;t know, even though you know you knew them....

Now I confused even myself. That must be the Guiness at work.

So now I'm going to go sleep in my amazing bed for the last time this summer. Not liek anyone cares. I'm sure no one reading this does, except if I'm reading it. I don't want to sound all drained and down about it...

but this summer is going to suck hardcore.


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