Leave me a Note, Damn It!
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2002-05-17 - 1:16 p.m.


Bye bye city bye bye

Bush defended his statements that he knew about the threats of hijacking planes on August 6th of last year. He says he would have had done whatever he could do if he knew how true the threat was. I say it's good and all that he thought the USA had such big balls that these warnings coudln't affect us becasue no one could affect the invincible United Disgrace of America.

Now looks so scared, it looks like he sleeps with one eye open, a bullet proof vest on, a cocked shotgun in his hand, with parimeter assault turrents, in a 20 foot deep steel room.

Land of the free is silly to imagine.

Today is the last day of the semester for me. I'm leaving in an hour to go to Albany, then on to home. Long Island.

I sleep by the beach tonight.

IT's Haas' 21st birthday tonight. I think I'll try to make that. Everyone I know is getting so old, we're all getting thrown head first into adulthood faster than we can count.

The semester has ended on a sour note. Fuchs isn't looking like he's gonna come back. A couple of people are getting lost in the second shuffle. First semester tossed a few people I became friends with (and then there were a few that left before they started). Things here are so tight knit, only to annihilate the bond with distance. I'll see everyone around, just now it will take 5 minutes to see them and not 5 seconds down a hallway, or 15 seconds up stairs. I'm facing a summer of crazy solitude, meeting COMPLETELY new people, with small links to older friends.

Sounds like fun. This sentence is sarcasm free.


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