Leave me a Note, Damn It!
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2003-07-05 - 6:36 p.m.


RE: President Bush allowing this country to fall into corruption

I already wrote a diary entry today, but after reading Warblogging after curiosity proved too strong not too when Tape, who seems one step ahead of me constantly, went there and suggested to check it out and I became furious and scared, it caused me to write another one. And I'm eternally grateful for it.

As was stated many times in Warblogging by it's author, George Paine, his may very well be my last entry because I could be considered an enemy of the state. For my opinion.

As the war time slowly "comes to a close" over in Iraq, it is a wartime that was not only unneccessary and futile, but unjust. The lies spouted forth by countless officials in the White House about our safety and our liberty almost seem like a joke, a joke only they get. We're supposed to be doing this for freedom, for the right of mankind. But how can you say such a thing when you pass such things as FISA and other doctrines as of late, allowing you unlimited ability to probe deep into our homes and, eventually, our minds?

I am not a terrorist. I do not support terrorism, in any way, shape or form. I do not condone killing for ANY reason. There is ultimately no reason to kill someone besides the shortcomings of human morality. Once you cannot admit you are wrong in what you want, once you have oppressed someone to get what you want and the only way you can achieve this is by killing them because they refuse to do what you want peacefully, you are no longer a human being. You are a murderer and a coward.

To silence any voice under the guise of national security, to detain innocent people or even people who have become tired of your shadow missions stomps all over the same freedom and democracy you plan to infect the world with. You're your own Catch 22. You kill people to free them, you enslave them to the way of America to set them free. This really is like 1984. There's one point where that was being said to overstate a point and try to underline a problem, but now it is an understatement. You're probing your own people!!!

I am very uneducated in the ways you have done to turn me into your enemy, because my education is mostly that of any other standard American education. I get my news from the same sources as everyone else and even those sources get what they are allowed to get, pick up the scraps left behind of the last murdering of legislation you have commited behind closed doors. By you, I am talking to you, Mr. Bush. And not just you, but all of those same power hungry, money munching, war mongering murderers who represent me. They REPRESENT me but in no way represent me. IN NO WAY. IN NO WAY did I ever ask for you to bother with the other nations of the world. There's foreign policy and there's fucking policing. IT IS NOT OUR PLACE TO STEP ON ANY LAND OTHER THAN OURS AND POLICE IT! Look back to the founding fathers, the men you hold in such high regard, the men you tout as saviors and martyrs who killed and died to give us what we got. You're doing the exact opposite of what they intended, you're pulling a 180 in their name.

Again, I have nothing to show that isn't from Warblogging and maybe that's a bad thing. Not in the way you may think. Maybe it's a bad thing because that's one person who is tired too that you are probably looking into to try and find his terror connection (answer: there is none) and try to find out who he is working for to try to sway American minds from your agenda (answer: there is no one). If you haven't already, go look at the site. It's actually very educated and has extensive facts and quotes, from your mouths, from the very face of evil seeking to turn me into a prisoner behind red and white bars, shadowed by a blue box full of stars.

If you, the governement or secret police or design of Bush to seek and destroy all voices of opinion (and that's all this site is: opinion) are doing what I've read, and do come after me for my dissent, then you've proved my point and in fact, I dare you. I fucking dare you to come and get me. I ask anyone who has read these words to print out a copy of this, email it to someone as proof I've said these words. I want this to go to the House of White lies itself, be put right on Bush's desk. I've already said enough on this site to put me away a very long time for committing the crime of speaking my opinion, of exercising my first amendment rights freely and justly. There's plenty here that says I hate you Mr. Bush and I hate what you have allowed to be done, in my name as a citizen and agaisnt me as a citizen. I don't wish you dead, I am NOT, and I repeat this, NOT planning on killing you nor do I suggest anyone kill you nor do I even DREAM of someone thinking that this is anything more than me telling my "boss" you're doing a shitty job. I am not committing any crimes here, I am not partaking in any criminal activities nor am I a part of such activities. I am not a part of a group or cell of terrorism, I am not a part of any other form of organization that wishes any harm on this country or its people in any way or form. I am merely pissed the fuck off.

I take it back. You are not my boss. You are my worker. WE as the American People put ... well that's not the whole truth either, is it? You haven't really taken office by proper methods, have you? The whole voting debacle, the unanswered question....DID YOU REALLY WIN? And the answer is : No one knows because enough people with enough didn't want us to know. And that's just sad. That's really sad. You had to steal office like a dictator and run the country like a king to give the world freedom, like sucking it out of OUR hands to put it in the world's hands.

If these are my dying words, if I write these words and that is it, these are the last words I write here because I have been grabbed and stolen away like something out of 1984, with silent helicopters and an entire SWAT team to take down an 180 pound weakling, with no weapons and no incindiery devices whatsoever except for my mind, which throws sparks of utter anger towards your actions, then so be it.


Beat me into submission. Destroy me. Take from me all the forms of liberty you allowed me to think I have. Because in the end, when I die, if you kill me, you are no worse than the countries you inhabit where you are trying to stop the very same practices you have committed, and if you truly believe in God like you say you do Mr. Bush, then you will know the malice you would have shown me as a PERSON, not a citizen, not a number, not an opponent, but a person is against even God's way, against the loving grace he has shown the world. I don't even believe in God and even I know that this is against your very moral fibers and even if I die and there is a hell and I'm destined for it, one of two things will happen:

1) I'll go to heaven for your unjust killing of me and you'll go to hell for your murder, a charge on your soul that is already thousands deep.


2)I'll go to hell and at least there, I know they don't hide the fact that I'm going to be treated like shit while I'm there and I'll be happier knowing that I know what I'm told is what I'm getting.

And then there's always 3, which I believe. Absolutely nothing will happen and I'll just not be alive anymore and I will still be free of any opportunity for you to kill me any more.

I'm not afraid of you and while you want me to cower under your rule, afraid to speak against you and your ways, I refuse to. Because the true justice, justice in its purest form, cannot be appended with horsecrap doctrines that change right to wrong and true to false. When you are wrong, you will be wrong, not because someone wants you to be wrong. And that's all I see this as: true justice. I can truly and without fear say that I am acting justly, speaking my mind and thoughts from what I was given. If I am speaking without knowledge of true events, it is because I was not given the truth, probably for "national security" and in the end, you reap what you sow. When you withhold the truth and people must make their opinions about you on lies, whatever comes your way is yours to own.

I hope you read this entry, anyone, anywhere and may it open your eyes, may it free your mind, may it pull the veil from off of us all.

I am officially saying that I am unhappy with this country and I think it's about time it was fixed.


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