Leave me a Note, Damn It!
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2003-07-05 - 5:39 p.m.


For Erin

Explosions rip out into ripples of colors, these bursts of the blurry shapes take shape in skies swallowed up by the smoke from explosions. Still ringing, my ears tremble slightly at sounds of your voice as you lay it all on me and BLAM! there's more bursting than black dust and paper; I savor you savior of my life and heart. Been 3 months since cold days and old ways have haunted me and torn me apart, tossed me side after side as I rolled in my bed or my couch or my house trying to figure out why I'm better than dead. And it's all said and done, but you said it and done what I wanted to do and I know you did too and we both had good times and these times were alive, running through deadened streets rolling down blacktop roads in shopping carts, my heart stopped and kept going, each beat an explosion, each pump of my foot like a pump in my chest and the rest is history to me and to you, as we did what we do and we did it good too. Independence of hatred and malice, I raised up a challace of absinthe and stuff, drank down drinks and I think I've had no better time than the times that we've triumphed while we were alone - this alone is the stuff that wet dreams are made of, but not wet in the pants but a wet in the eyes as you cry from the pangs of too much happiness. But it's never too much, I'll never say stop, that's enough, 'cause my heart is much bigger than that. I'll never turn down the volume of love blaring out of my chest in explosions, in bursts of devotion.


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