Leave me a Note, Damn It!
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2003-07-08 - 1:37 p.m.


Looks like we got ourselves a reader hea...


That's fucking really funny.

The White House is admitting that they lie.

That's the biggest understatement ever.

Of course, they're not totally "lying". At least according to them. 'We might have possibly told the not truth. maybe' is what they'll say. "We received some inaccuarate information that we based an entire war on."

That right there is poetic justice enough. They've at least said that the whole reason they went in was bullshit, albeit indirectly.

So I've been reading a lot lately, trying to keep my mind in tiptop shape, even if it means my body is anything less than tiptop. I've been downloading txt files that are on the internet, available to search so that I don't get nailed with a lawsuit or something because I downloaded a novel from Kazaa or something. If you can find it plain and simple on the internet through Yahoo!, I don't see any reason to get in trouble for it. If you walk down the street and you find a $20 bill on the ground, and you take that $20, you didn't steal. Someone left that on the ground, whether they meant to or not (usually not) and if you have come across it in some way shape or form, how is that stealing? The information superhighway is not tied down to legislation yet, not boxed into this law or that law. They have been tightening it up, cutting down all those "nasty" mp3 sites, which are just as harmful as a cool breeze to the industry. So what if the music industry is losing money. If they didn't charge so goddamn much for music, people would buy it like crazy. And also, if they stopped making so much suck, they'd be a lot happier.

Honestly, think of any music you can and think of any great band from that music you can and then think of how many other bands try to sound just like that great band. Or think of cookie cutter riffs that get unintentionally handed down the line like a joint or a rape victim. Everyone gets a turn riding the same I-IV-V chord progression that is as old as music itself. There is hardly anyone making music anymore - just a bunch of people making noise.

And each one is competing for your dollar. Each one has to have your attention or otherwise, the record label is going to drop them. And the bands don't make even a cent on recording music. It's all in the merchandise, the clamor after the music has died down. T-shirts and stickers and buttons and plates and clocks and all other forms of shit. Then they have to resort to saying they like using a certain type of guitar so they can make more money and so you will buy more guitars. And they sometimes appear on TV and make movie apperances and try to make more money.

They're making so much money, they don't have time to make music.

And in the end, that's all people really wanted - to hear some music.

And nowadays, people don't read as much as they used to. No amount of Lord of the Rings or Harry Potter will make me think otherwise. Do you think those kids are going to pick up another book after they finish reading Harry Potter and his newest pile of malarky? Most likely not. My sister bought the Harry Potter book. Do you know the last book she probably read before that? the last Harry Potter book.

So me downloading a bunch of shit no one is really interested in doesn't make me upset. I'm taking an interest in my old hobby again. Before the internet, before I even liked writing, before art, before music, before sports, I was a reader. And I loved it.

And I love it.


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