Leave me a Note, Damn It!
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2002-07-08 - 7:54 p.m.


This goes out the the retaaaahds in Bawwwston

Well, I'd like to thikn that right here would be a really long diary entry, one that summed up the catastrophe that was my 4th of July weekend. I'd like to think that it would be an entry that congradulated Tape for giving up the Hoooch. But instead, I've come to make Ted Williams jokes and be bitter about the glorious 56K connection that swallowed the 1 hour of my life whole and shit it out into html oblivion, never to be posted.

What did the cryogenist say to the bartender?
I'll have a Ted Williams on ice tonight.

For all you Red Sox fans outraged that I'd make fun of Ted Williams' son putting his dead ass on ice so that, sometime in the future, he can be woken up again, only to die a second time from heart failure and never again to swing a baseball bat unless someone figures out a way to make you a head robot like on Futurama, well then, just read what I wrote.

THEY PUT HIS FUCKING ASS ON ICE! THIS ISN'T WALT FUCKING DISNEY! I don't care if he was one of the greatest hitters of all time. I don't particularly give a shit that he was the last batter to have over a .400 batting average. THERE WILL BE MORE PLAYERS, THERE WILL BE MORE HEROES.

Actually, there probably won't, considering baseball is in talks to go back on strike. ON STRIKE! AGAIN!

I wish I saved IM conversations, but here's where Tape makes a second apperence in this diary entry. We discussed the ramifications of a baseball strike and concluded that, yes indeed....


And for browsers that don't support it, I put in blinking code, to make that last section blink. If its not working, just read the last few lines only and open and close your eyelids real fast while reading it. Enjoy!

I started my last semester of the summer sessions today. New class, new 55 dollar textbook. New reason to get up in the morning, new thing to bitch about.

I'm getting too whiny for my own good.

I'm almost done with my movie script, and it's turning out exactly as I want it to: good. Well, by Belmo standards good. By (insert your name here) standards, it could be a piece of shit.

I bought a new hat. It's a Red Sox hat, but I sewed on two exclamation points on both sides to make it a !Belmo! hat. I have stolen the logo for the Red Sox for my own personal good, to lay rest to the "U Ass Owell" hat that has served me so well and that I love so much.

Pissing on Ted Williams' icy grave and blasphemizing the Red Sox, all in one week.

I bet I have no fans in Boston tonight.


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