Leave me a Note, Damn It!
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2002-07-09 - 9:58 a.m.


Red on Red

"There is no permanence...What is there between the master and the sevant when both have fulfilled thier doom? when the Anunnaki, the judges, come together, and Mammetun, the mother of Destinies, together they decree the fates of men. Life and Death, they allot but the day of death they do not disclose." -Utnapishtim in 'Gilgamesh'

I don't get people.

I only got one mail from the Ted Williams joke and it was one that said it was a funny joke. I mention that I don't like N*Sync or I say that there's an announcer in Change of Heart and people can't wait to yell at me.

Not like I want hate mail or anything, but I was worried that entry was going to cause me nothing but grief after I posted it. And I guess it didn't do shit.

You people are all crazy.

I tackled my laundry like a little punk bitch yesterday. And now my room smells somewhat nicer. If only they had bigger versions of the pine cone air fresheners I use.

So, Russia wants to go to Mars. Mars. The "Red" Planet. The Reds want to go to the Red Planet. They can't properly run things here on Earth, but they have no problem bringing thier vodka slugging induced problems with them to another planet. If we find life there, I hope it's semi-intelligent. So it has enough sense to slap the stupid out of the people who went to Mars.

I think I'm going to go look for a job today. That would be pretty nice, to be gainfully employed. This whole poor thing is bullshit.

I got a turkey sandwich calling me downstairs.


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