Leave me a Note, Damn It!
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2002-07-10 - 7:49 p.m.


The Last Lowell Rant....... for a while

David Hasselhoff is in the Betty Ford Clinic and science has found a new humanoid skull that dates older than anything they've found yet.

I think thats a step up in the world. The world is a better place.

It appears as though I'm going to get out of school on time. I met with the chairman of my department and yes indeedy do, I'm outtie by 2003.

THAT is scary. I never thought I'd ever see myself get out of college in anything less than 6 years. Well, in Lowell time, that is on time.

Speaking of Lowell, which I do all the time, I've had a resurgence in the amount of Lowell conversations I've had and I've been reading a lot of diaries to get me caught up on what I missed. I hold a spot in my heart for the people who's lives touched me and who's lived I've touched in those Massachusetts hallways, as if any of my past entries that mentioned it hasn't shown that already. But seriously, I feel like I'm missing out on all the fun there. Like something great is destined for those who coudl stick it out there and I'm missing all of it. There's a family there, where here there are freinds. There's a community there, where here there are a bunch of people living on top of each other, making the best of it. There's a thriving music scene destined to have bands flourish from it to bud and grow into musical powerhouses, where here there are a bunch of Creed cover bands.

The list goes on and on.

To the Lowellians who read this (and that is probably about 90%, if not more, of the audience here, except for the random person who wafts thier way in here from a Yahoo! search and proceeds to either tell me I'm funny or tell me I have no idea what I'm talking about and lists why N*Sync is the best band in the world) kiss the bricked walkways you go to class on. IF you don;t go to school there anymore but are close enough to visit or are Tape, visit as much as possible and never forget what you have there. For some strange reason, Lowell is placed in a pocket of goodliness, where even if you fuck up, you're still not too bad off.

Unless you're not there.

Don't get bored of it. Don't sit around and say "what do we do now?" That's the most fun I ever had at Lowell: let's go make some fun. Not doing anything interesting? Go strap on some tinfoil and garbage bags and make a band. Bored? Go ride garbage carts around like idiots or terrorize other people's suites. Really bored? One word: freshmen. Make them scared of you, because damn it, they should be.

We're the class of go fuck yourself. We did as we saw fit and we did it fucking right.

This may not apply to everyone. Not everyone wants to play in a band or terrorize people for the fuck of it. But hey, that's what worked for me. Maybe I never got a chance to frighten freshmen, but I know a few know me by name solely on boredom alleving activites. Go throw a printer out the window, go steal a tree from the cafeteria (sucessfully, or try the Steve Roy method of balls out graba tree and walk through Aramark), go write obscenities reallly big in the snow when it gets snowy, go to a few shows at Fox (taking it to Fox is never a dull thing....), go yell things out the window at people, but for god sakes, do not overlook the fact that you are in teh best place in the world to go to college. Just outside of Boston, just outside of New Hampshire, big enough to have some fun, not too big to be too expensive or noisy. You have a hockey ring, a river, a nuclear reactor (well, not much you can do with that, but it kicks ass) and a shit load of possbilities before you.

DO NOT FUCKING FORGET IT, LIKE THE ALAMO! Do not forget the the ala-lowell.

Ok that was cheezy.

But seriously, I can't think of anything more to say that hasn't been said. I'm sitting here pissing time away and geting angry as teh clock ticks and I just want to have school done with so I can leave and possibly move to Lowell to find a job in Boston. It's that nice of a town to me, despite it being a crack town.

Some places are too good to pass up.


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