Leave me a Note, Damn It!
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2001-11-23 - 2:11 a.m.



I think I'm afraid that my life is too good.

I think that I don't deserve any of this.

Last night, I came home for Turkey Day Vacation, after having visited Lowell last week and Albany just this weekend. It was a long 7 hour drive, but I got home to my loving family and they cooked me dinner right there. After I was done, I took a shower with classical guitar playing on the almighty Official 503 Shower Radio. I got dressed and went out to see a bunch of my friends from high school. I got mozzerella sticks because I already ate. Then we went to my friend Evan's house and drank beers, smoked and went in the hottub outside. I don't think I ever had so much fun on Turkey Day Eve. Evan kicks ass too because he likes to see people having a good time. That's the same way I feel about everything: just gotta make sure everyone is happy because when everyone is, it's a really good time to be alive.

Then today I woke up and helped a little with Turkey Day. Nothing amazing, just what needed to be done so that my mom didn't have like 105 little bull crap jobs to do. Then I jsut started drinking like crazy at 2 o'clock and was good and drunk by the time my family got here. I ate all sorts of appetizers, like chips and dip and mozzerella sticks, and joked around with relatives and drank more. Watched a little of Willy Wonka, which is my favorite movie of all time. Then I ate enough food to embarass myself and talked to my grandpa about my skiing tragedies. My whole family is amazing. After that, I went to my cousins house (the 5 girl cousin family) and we had the best time in the world running out to Garden City and then coming back to our house to finish off the last of the mozzerella sticks, just in time to wish my cousin Kathleen a happy birthday.

In times like these, where lives were shattered and still are right now, I give thanks for being sheltered from teh pain of loss by not experiencing any. My family is still together and close, my parents love each other. I get along with my cousins and my friends have all come home safe from harm. I truly have something this Turkey Day to call it a Thanksgiving.

To all of those who didn't have something to be thankful for for any reason at all, I'm sorry and I hope that your shit now turns to gold later.

I'm also sorry I'm very blunt.

But at either rate, whether you were or werent thankful before, at least be thankful now.

You've just read this off the internet so you don't have it too bad.

It could be worse.

The war could be HERE.


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