Leave me a Note, Damn It!
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2001-11-19 - 11:06 a.m.



Albany swallowed a whole weekend from my life.

Imagine me sitting on my ass for literally 36 hours and watching 15+ movies, and driking just under 30 beers. This is all in a span of a Saturday.

That is the summary of my Albany vacation.

I actually fell asleep with a beer on my face and when I woke up, I figured out what happend, laughed, and then finished the beer and went back to sleep.

Don't think for a second though that it was good sleep. I got an accumulative 8 hours of sleep this weekend. Go me. And by the way, snoring is the most selfish unhelpable act one can do. Especially when you keep 4 other people up.

If I ever sleep in the same room with someone who snored like that, I just might have to kill them.

This weekend was not without its moments. I harrassed some kids in a food court at the mall They were sitting there and holding hands and ALMOST making out, but not quite making out. They touched noses and all sorts of shit, but they both put off the act because they were obviously nervous. BUt then this other kid comes and sits down and the 2 kids immediately slide away from each other. Me, my sister, Pete (Commack Pete) and his friend Josh watched this and were like "ok, this is bad. fucking cockblock."

So after much debating on what to do, and with the mall closing, I walked over to them...

and proceeded to tell them to make out.

I told them that we were watching and were sick and tired of them fingerfucking and it was time to make out. They just started laughing, and I was like "This isn't a joke! I'm not leaving until you make out." All they did was laugh and get red in the face, so I gave up. As we were leaving, Pete starts screaming "THEY WERE FINGERFUCKING! HE'S COCKBLOCKING!"

These kids couldnt have been older than 13. I don't think the guy trying to make out even had pubes yet. IT was glorious.

So, in the event that your in Albany and your 13 year old is running around telling people that they were finger fucking and that they are a cock block....

You're welcome.


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