Leave me a Note, Damn It!
link to diary critic

2002-03-07 - 11:15 a.m.


This one goes out to tape, because he hates these

Subj: We have visited your website belmonaut.diaryland.com

Date: Wed, 6 Mar 2002 11:21:25 PM Eastern Standard Time

From: [email protected]

To: [email protected]

Dear Sir/Madam,

We have visited your website: belmonaut.diaryland.com and found that you didn't register it with enough search engines. As a result, this may impede your business expansion. We believe that our service will definitely increase the browse count of your website. At present, there are about 500,000 search engines in the whole world, but fortunately FullPromote is the rare breed that can help you register your website with the famous search engine companies. What we provide is a kind of

service which is highly efficient as well as swift, but truly low cost. With our service, you can find that there will be countless browsers to visit your website. To get more details, please go to www.fullpromote.com.

We will try our best to publicize your website.

Best Regards,

Melissa Kahley

Sales & Marketing



I'm so glad some people are paying attention to what they do when they go to work. It appears as though corporate America is foaming at the mouth to advertise a diary.

Of course, I'm sure all the other diaryland diaries get the same attention.

So, we must be a corporate diary here at Belmonaut.diaryland.com. And we being me, and the voices in my head, I guess.

Now, we (ehhh forget this) I need to cash in on this if this is gonna be a corporate sponsored site. Taking from other people's ideas, I hereby push out the official BELMONAUT.DIARYLAND.COM HOODIE! I (Tape) Made up this idea and have brought you the fashion trend of tomorrow!



WE WILL SELL THESE ALL OVER THE... wait a second...

Oh shit, this is only fucking spam mail.


I actually thought this thing was worthwhile.. oh wait, no. This diary is worthless.

Ehhhh I'll still make the shirts anyway.

Anyone who wants one email me at [email protected], just like these bastards did with my own e-mail address.

I think Bob would be proud.


Last Few

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