Leave me a Note, Damn It!
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2004-05-30 - 9:13 p.m.


How I Spend My Summer Vacation

"and glory fades and so do days and I've left both behind. Just now, just left both behind."

-"One Second AM" the new hotness

I wrote this song so long ago and I wrote it to make me feel better. I had just lost Erin and I was pretty angry at myself for doing so. Instead of taking out on people further (the reason I had found myself in that situation in the first place) I decided to go beat up a guitar and I tuned down to D, something I normally don't do. I do it more often now since Pretty Polly plays D tuning a lot. But then, I had played in D but wasn't all that interested in it. I just kept that D ringing and found the notes come to me as I played. By the end of it, I had one of the best songs I've ever written written and it haunted me to this day as such. Everytime I pick up a guitar and it's in D tuning, I play this song and I can't stop playing the song. I don't know if it's the connection with that I did it to try to clean my head out or that it's just a really easy song and it's nice sounding.


I've recorded it with Mehr, someone who doesn't take that shit lightly. He doesn't just get a demo of it and take some recorder shoved in a corner as you bang away on an acoustic guitar. And it sounded really good. It sounded so good to hear my idea all lain out as close to the way I hear it in my head as anyone in the world could ever hope to get it. It's scratchy and rough, there are parts where I mess up and there are parts where the bass shouldn't be playing and so on, but I had recorded it without realizing what I was doing: recording. He just kind of hit record. And I just went. 2 takes, one for each guitar part. Another one for bass. He had the drums MIDI programmed in maybe 10 minutes. The whole song - half an hour of work. Mehr threw on a layered solo, two guitars dancing all over each other and it tied up the end of the song beautifully.

And One Second AM was born from the ashes of a broken heart.


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