Leave me a Note, Damn It!
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2003-02-23 - 2:52 p.m.


Big weekend bonanza

I didn't know which quote was better, so I used both of them:

"apparently, someone is shitting rocks and pens into our toilet." - Stevo

"Hi. I'll never read this because I didn't even know I wrote this, but I like to dress up like an old man sometimes and show myself to school children. I also eat things out of the toilet and when I pick my nose, I eat that too. I'll eat almost anything. I ate a baby once, just like Fat Bastard, only I'm not fat, I'm just a cannibalistic disgusting pervert. I also have bad BO all the time. By the way, I'm completely retarded." - The profile I created for Mandy's new IM name, without her knowing.

This weekend. Well, let me just start by saying it's over. Sunday's usually do that. It happens.

But weekends like this? Nah, they don't happen too often.

This weekend officially started on Thursday, although I could easily argue that it was Wednesday. It doesn't matter. Lately, days kind of mush together and I really can't distinguish which is what and who is where. Each day has about 5 billion things to do and I really have no use for what day it is anyway other than knowing where I have to be.

Yeah, it's gibberish.

Anyway, before next weekend gets here, Kim came up to visit on Thursday. That was some damn good fun. I miss that girl a lot and although it was only for a few hours, it was good to see her again. Thursdays are also beer pong night and between that and going to the bars with everyone, I didn't get home till late late, where Mandy tried to beat the shit out of me and then she walked on the piano. At 3:30 in the morning. Yah.

Friday was (wait, which one was friday?) Basically all that happened this weekend was non-stop partying, on account of it's goddamn snowing outside. No one wants to do anything when it gets snowy, which is a damn shame because want to go goddamn sledding sometime soon and motherfucker I haven't even been to one hill with even a garbage bag. This place snows more than home and I havent even sledded here fucking once. Bad Belmo.

This week starts the "Belmo's gotta make a resume" week, which is more or less self-explanitory and if I have to explain it, then please hit the cure stupidity button on this webpage. It's the X up in the corner, right next to the two boxes and the dash.

Ok, that should get rid of the stupid people.

I guess that means no one is reading this now.


PS - It's only a joke.


Last Few

What did you just say? - What's he gonna say next?

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