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2001-05-03 - 4:19 p.m.


Muggy Day Blues

I felt like writing again, and the alt-sex-cowpielove-blumpkin newsgroup was full (of course I'm kidding...there's always an opening this time of day).

Who told the guy in control of weather to skip Spring? Good job, asshole. 2 weeks ago, I was stepping through snow and now I'm sweating enough to fill a bathtub...mmmmm I think I'll take a bath... oh wait, that's right. I'm at college. F that.

So yeah, I had an interesting conversation today with a couple of good friends over some Lime Rickys (my new favorite drink. I had no idea what they were till last night. Needs more boose though) It was about all the times we've heard "I'm pregnant" and it was directed towards us (not like I'm watching TV and someone says "I'm pregnant." Sesiously...). This by far was the most frightening conversation of my life, as it brought back all of those nights where I cursed my libido and faulty condoms. (As of yet, I don't have any children and all the times I heard "I'm pregnant", it was a false alarm. But you can do some bad ass REFLECTING in 2 weeks, let me assure you).

And it brought me to this: I really think the last thing this world needs is another Belmo running around. Well, right now at least. When I get older, I don't know, but as of now, I don't think I want kids. I'd probably be a good dad, but I don't care. That's like being good at making Abraham Lincoln sculptures out of mashed potatoes; Congradualtions for nothing. I don't know, maybe it's just silly to worry about it. But then again, when have I been known to make sense.

School is winding down slowly and fizzing out, like those firecracker pinwheels. Big flashy and noisy at first, brilliant as it races towards the end, nothing but smoky, hazy and boring when it's over. I don't have much to look forward to this summer yet. That job didn't come back with an answer yet. I feel like I'm waiting for a big slap in the face, like "Awwwww you really thought you were gonna get that job? That's so sweet... *SLAP!*". Oh well.

Hot days are the laziest things I have ever seen; it makes everyone look like they've been smacked up with valium. I don't have the strength to do anything about being lazy either, having gotten all of a whopping 4 hours sleep.

I'm going to go get horrible food at dinner now and take a nap. And try to wake up in a better mood. Pbbbbbt.

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