Leave me a Note, Damn It!
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2001-05-03 - 1:25 a.m.


Woodstock probably sucked

I sit amazed at the fact that people have read the words I have put into this malarky. This was meant as nothing more than just a vent for myself; I just wrote these entries because I felt it helped me get through my troubles and helped enjoy my happiness. And now people are reading it.

Oh well, I'm not upset or scared that people have seen me emotionally naked. From what I heard from everyone, I guess I do a good job here. But it's not about that. This is not entertainment; I'm no prophet, no wise man (more like a wise ass anyway...) and I don't want anyone to think I'm writing to please. I'm writing to please ME, and if I have offended you, good. I have no remorse for my personal beliefs.

I just hope that this means I don't compromise quality because I know that people are reading this. I call it "Woodstock Syndrome". It goes like this: The first Woodstock was an amazing event in American and maybe even worldwide history. It was so great and did so well that 25 years later, in 94, they decided to redo it. But it was wrong for all the reasons Woodstock 69 was right. It was totally staged and based on the old show, while the old show was just put together and was unprecidented. It wasn't supposed to be so big; it just was. And the feeling was dead. Woodstock 94 was a chance for the music industry to flex its muscles and show off what they had...woodstock 69 was just a bunch of hippies lost in the woods in upstate NY, having a nice time and enjoying life while some artists poured thier hearts out and tried to share some of thier beliefs, mostly political, to a dazed nation. It wasn't anything special, it just turned out that way.

Then comes Woodstock 99. With the humongous commercial success of 94, 99 was designed ONLY with money in mind. Put on a desolate airstrip and set in possibly the hottest section of the summer, 99 killed the dove that sat on teh guitar for 69, defeathered it, gut it, deep fried it and sold it for 15 bucks as a chicken sandwich. The artists really didn't have any thing to say and weren't there to flex any muscles (with music having had its balls ripped off by the mulitude of shiny happy boy bands/girl singers that ruled much of the late 90's and into the millenium). And then there was rape. And riots. From Peace and Love to Grab a Piece and Love the Violence.

So, to close this and somehow show that I'm NOT rambling on. All original ideas are innocent and pure, giving the best quality due to it's simplicity. When this idea receives some good vibes and measures are taken after this goodness, there is this whole mindset to do as good as last time or better, which defeats what made the original so good. You can test this at home. Next time you do something that you are proud of, try repeating it and see if it has the same purity and goodness as the original act. You'll find that more times than not, it will never match the quality of the original deed.

Ok enough Belmogistics. I think I've said all I have to say about it. Today was all messed up, because I couldn't tell whether it was a good day or not and I still am left scratching my head. When you are used to being upset and you have a day that is good, but not exceptionally good, you don't know how to react. I'll just leave it as it was an average day. Nothing too mcuh or too little. Everything was as it should have been. The kind of days that make me nervous...calms lead to satisfaction, which leads to rest which leads to upset when your calm is rustled.

Awww fuck it. I'll just enjoy that I can go to bed and not be upset. I suggest you do the same if you can...

if you're reading this.

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