Leave me a Note, Damn It!
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2001-05-04 - 1:00 a.m.


Sleepy Poooooo

It's 1 Am now. And the day has died down.

Saw an amazing show for 4 bucks tonight. I never appreciated how much better the arts are more available to me in college as opposed to the real world. This show had badn with members from the Vandals, Suicide Machines, and Boxcar in them. Easily, this show would have run me 7 bucks or more in any shit dive VFW or Knights of Columbus hall. 4 bucks. Can you believe that mutha f'in shit?

I also got to write a whole bunch more poetry wise today. I've found that it eases a lot of tension, as does this diary. And tension is something I just don't need.

I'm starting to realize just how little I have left of this semester. I'm going to leave a lot behind this semester; I can tell a lot is gonna change by the time I get back here in the fall. People leaving, people coming back...All cameos in my life. I see new faces each day that have no more significance than a flash in a day in a week in a month in a year of my life. I meet new people once a day, and only keep in touch with a fraction of them... And I too am just a flash in thier life. It's weird how little some experiences can be.

I don't like the unsettling commotion of change. It never works out well for me. Even now, I am living differently than I was only a few months ago. New relationship, new responsibilities, new people, new experiences. The world is racing it's way all around me, whizzing past and making me dizzy with the blurry scenery that hurries by. I hope one day I can just grab my life, slow it down and enjoy what I have for once...it's getting harder and harder each day to do that. The worst thing you can do is take the best things you got for granted...

And sleep calls me, so I'll answer. It's about time I lay in bed, staring at the ceiling and TRYING to get some sleep...but with a head full of thought, it's like trying to get someone hopped up on speed and coffee to take a nap. I need to relax for once; maybe all I need is time alone from all that's bothering me. Either that, or just make it stop bothering me... yeah that's probably better.


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