Leave me a Note, Damn It!
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2001-05-04 - 4:39 p.m.


Breazzzzy Day

AHHHHHHH nice cool breeze shoots through my window as Iggy Pop croons away on my MP3 player about his lust for life. I just woke up from a nap ( you know, the kind of nap you take to make up for sleep visciously torn away from you by 2 fire alarms, the first one sounding off no more than 4 hours after you went to bed and you can't get back to bed, so you run around all day with a sleepy head and you bomb a Calc II test and you come back and want nothing more than to bury yourself in a comforter and block everyone and everything out so that you can get just 2 seconds to catch your breath. Yeah, that kind of nap.) and the wind is wafting through my window and caressing me as only wind and loved ones can. I love that feeling; the music and the wind working together to throw a blanket of goosebumps all up your arm and make you remember just why you should smile.

Shit. A Bloodhound Gang song came on. Well that moment is over.

Aside from the napping and the test, my day is stupid and useless. I really resent having been horrible thrown from my bed by quite possibly the most annoying sound imaginable and then do nothing all day. I wish I had something to do, but everyone I want to do anything with has vanished, as if we are supposed to flee the building and I wasn't notified about it.

Wow, Etta James. From Bloodhound Gang's "I Hope You Die" to Etta James' "At Last". I'm surprised my mind survived the crossover without spilling out my nose and onto the floor. This song always makes me sit there with my eyes closed, and a huge smile slapped across my face. Today isn't any different.

Ok, time to go eat some dinner, because if Aramark has taught me anything, it's that there are no limits by which you can torture your colon, but it beats starving. Time to go punch myself in the stomach.

Last Few

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