Leave me a Note, Damn It!
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2001-09-11 - 12:44 p.m.


Teh beginning of teh end (stock market crash)

I am afraid.

FOr the first time in my life I do not feel safe.

If you decided not to wake up today or turn on the TV or talk to anyone who has done either or are completely uninterested in the world, now is the time to change this.

The United States, what was thought by many to be the invincible figurehead of the world, has been attacked by terrorists. The World Trade Center, also known as the Twin Towers, were bombarded by two huge airliners that crashed into teh towers, killing the people on those affected floors as well as the people in the plane instantly. The buildings were on fire as they tried to save people from the smoldering when the two buildings then collapsed, much like the way they did in "Fight Club". People were hanging out the window crying for salvation from 30 stories up when thier lives were ended falling all that way down, a tidal wave of concrete and debris crushing the life out of them them the whole way down. Streets I have walked down are now covered in ash and soot, smoke fills the entire Lower East Side of Manhattan.

We're going to war. All those old crazy men have the taste of blood.

We're all going to die.


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