Leave me a Note, Damn It!
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2001-09-11 - 9:52 p.m.


I'm not here, this isn't happening....

I haven't written too many 2 entry a day entries. but this is no ordinary day.

I still can't believe it. It's too shocking to me to even realize the potential insane murderous madmen could have had on my life.

My entire family, with very few exceptions, live on Long Island and work in NYC. I think one of my cousins even works just blocks from what now is rubble. I've walked down those same dust ridden streets, and have stood aweinspired in front of those two fallen behemoths. They are now nothing but destruction and memory.

And now we're all going to pay, despite who footed the bill. This undoubted will go to war, seeing as America has only had one attack on it's soil in current history and this blows Pearl Harbor out of the water (Warning: Watch for Falling Puns)

With so many angry people out there, the funniest thing to me is how afraid and scared Bush looks. He looked like a little kid sitting in a big chair, with his car door ears popping out the sides of his head. I swear all he needs is a big cowlick and you got Alfalfa from the Little Rascals. His beady eyes almost looked like what fear in a tangible form would look like. It's funny though. When you flaunt your invulnerability and your "missle defense system" and someone kicks you in the balls, you loose that bounce in your step. Another funny thign is, he didn't seem so laid back as always. Now he has a job to do; no more trips out to the golf course for douchebag.

So as the dust settles and fires are calmed down, I think that's about all that will be calmed down in America tonight. I heard that missles struck Afghanistan from an undisclosed attacker. Fingers were pointed to a militant group who just lost thier general on Sunday due to a suicide bombing. Whose finger that is has been undisclosed. It coudl be ours, using this unsettled group almost as a body shield to strike at our "biggest enemy" bin Laden.

I don't make enemies. I just get people that I hate. If it turns out that he did do it, it would make me more scared than pissed. I would hate him, not for his attacks on America, but on the fact taht his cowardess and shameful display today would have led to our ultimate destruction. This fire burning will not be quelled, even with the blood of our opposition.

The one thing I regret out of this whole thing is that I will never again see that trademark skyline when I come home. No more will those 2 lumbering giants sit waiting for me as I cross the Throgs Neck Bridge on my way home. That was the one thing that let me know I was home; peering out through the car or teh bus or even the train and seeing those structural marvels shining in the sun, smiling almost. They are now gone and I feel sorry for anyone who could not see them.

Ok, I think I've had enough of this. We can't escape this. Even MTV was taken over to show the news.

We're through the looking glass...


Last Few

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