Leave me a Note, Damn It!
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2001-09-16 - 10:40 a.m.


Saved by the Belmo

I should have paid attention all those years of watching Saved by the Bell.

I had a Saved by teh Bell moment yesterday.

I had to wake up at 8:45 AM for a 9 AM meeting of every hall council on campus over at teh Angell Center. Being highly hung over, I stumbled my way to my RD's apartment, meeting up with the rest of my hall council. We then walked in the FREEEZING COLD at 9 AM on a SATURDAY (a day designed for sleeping) to the Angell Center. There, we were given a bagel (Let me reiderate here: "bagel". Everything north of NYC is not worth the dough it's rolled out of) and some concentrate orange juice (which I can no longer drink due to too many Shit Orange Juice for 2 bucks/Shit Vodka for 10 bucks Screwdrivers, a Lowell delicacy. Nature's Goodness OJ and either Rubinoff or Poland spring vodka, as long as it comes in a plastic bottle...). We were given a speech and brought into this big room to do an ice breaker...

Let me take ths time to remind you I'm in college. It makes me sad to see that by teh time you make it to college, an icebreaker is still necessary for people to communicate. By the time I left high school, I kind of gave up on ignoring people and just started going out and making friends as much as possible; not through acting different than I do, but from just being myself. I've got 20 years of history, which is interesting enough. I don't need to embellish...

...which was designed for kindergardners, I'm sure.

This is where it gets all Saved by teh Belmo...

After the amazing ice breaker, we got split up into these groups accordig to our positions. I went down this hallway with a bunch of other presidents, but had to go to the bathroom, so I stepped out, did what I had to do, and tried to find my way back. I ran into one of the guys who were running the seminar and asked him where the presidents go. He walked me there to help me, and we started talking about what we were doing there this morning. I told him I was all hung over and everything, more or less letting him know that I drink my ass off.

And then we got to the door and he didn't stop at the door way; he followed me into the room and siad "Good Morning Hall Council Presidents. I'm Dean Laundry. Let's get to work." He turned and smiled at me, almost to say "hehehe you just told the Dean of your school you drink".

The drum hit followed by the 80's soundtrack played in my head as images of the Max and the flying sunglasses in the credits flew around in my mind. This was like something off of fSaved by the Bell; like where Zach tries to ask someone if the teacher is an asshole and the guy is like "yeah he's an asshole" and then the guy stands up and is like "Hi I'm yuor teacher."

Freaky man. I wish I had that time out power he had.

After making a complete ass of myself, the Dean (and yes, his actual last name is Laundry. If you don't know, now yuo know) had his meeting and he actually knows me as Belmo. I am not just a name on a enrollment list anymore. My Dean calls me Belmo.

So the seminar ended and we got sent to a free lunch sponsored by the school. They handed out tickets for door prizes. I won a lotto ticket. The lotto ticket won me 7 bucks. Now my dean knows me as the drunk with the luck. To finish off the day in high fashion, I left early, grabbed a turkey sandwih, 3 cookies and a brownie and walked out patting the Dean on the shoulder and saying "Laters" to him.

I said Laters to my Dean. Can you're Dean do this?

"When I wake up in teh morning and..."

I came back to my dorm, watched Mission Impossible 2. I figured it was better than doing homework. Besides, it's saturday, and it was 1 PM. Plenty of time to be lazy. I went online and talked to a couple of people. Bluesky83 is certain that we're gonna win the Pulitzer Prize... I don't know, it's kind of tough.

I went to go see a show last night too. When the badn started playing 3 doors down songs and gloating becuse they opened up for them, it reminded me of Nine Days and Center of the Earth, but in regards to how much better a scene they have in Lowell than here. Not one Lowell band would be caught dead gloating about 3 Doors Down and here was this band flaunting it like it was winnign a Congressional Medal of Honor. Besides, why would you gloat about Nine Days when you've played with Piebald?

By the way, it didn't get any better from there. They followed that up with a Creed song. that's when I jumped ship.

Where are the good bands when you need them?


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