Leave me a Note, Damn It!
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2001-09-17 - 12:29 p.m.


You cannot deny

"Somethings wrong in the world today and it's not the color of your hair/ it's the fire that you cannot seem to calm/ it's called destruction"

- Wrongful Doings "System is Go"

This song, which maybe all of about 15 people besides the band involved know, was the highlight of my sophmore year of high school, because I dyed my hair blonde for the first time. I never thought about doing it before and I wondered what I would look like. So I went somewhere to get it done, not realizing that you can just get goo in a bottle for half of what I paid and look just as good. I did my eyebrows too, because I thought dark eyebrows looked silly. I looked like an albino, which looked even more silly.

I run my fingers through dark brown hair, and although the color of my hair has returned to normal, the world is still spinning on an axis of destruction. Everyone has told me to give my prayers to those people and to pray to god that things are resolved quickly.

I haven't been to church in 4 years. I don't need prayer, seeing as this is mostly why this all started.

If you look at all the wars of our times, the bloodiest and most gruesome of all of them with the one exception of World War II were all based out of religion. Killing in the name of god.

And no, I don't feel the need to capitalize the word god. It's another word like fork or pants to me.

So why would I pray for anything at all, when the reason people were caught in a smoldering mess of the Twin Towers, the Pentagon and that field in Pittsburgh were murdered for a god? I'm done feeling sorry, I'm up to scared now. I've been frightened since Tuesday. Not in fear that a plane is going to fall on my head and I'll be killed or that a missle is about to land on my dorm and I'll be eradicated.

That's about as silly as believing in god.

No, I'm more afraid of everything I knew would happen because of this. Hatred in the streets, Americans being subjected to harsh racism and coldblooded anger due to ignorence, old angry warmongering men who are starving for the war they haven't had the past few years. We're going to be eaten alive by our pride and ignorence.

It's called destruction.


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