Leave me a Note, Damn It!
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2002-03-03 - 3:41 a.m.


Quotes for quotes

"I make tons of girl friends, but I never really make too many girlfriends." - anonymous.

I've been out and about in the parties here in Plattsburgh, trying to make the best out of a whatever thing. Just to get away from the people trapped in teh same box as you, in the same predictament of wanting to escape.

I spent 79 bucks today on things to promote or create my book today. I'm coming along quickly.

I also spoke to Commack Pete and we're gonna write a screenplay for the summer, with the idea I had for a novel about the kid and the gay porn director.

Sounds like fun.

Things are falling into place and I wait for the moment I can pull off what I want out of life. I've sat dormant, like Satan in Paradise Lost in the beginning, chained to the rock, fallen from grace.

I've been reading even what's NOT assigned in classes. I used to laugh at people like this. I was very ignorant then.

This is the greatest times mentally for me. I'm thinking on levels I never dreamed of before, with ideas I pick up from every single class I take here at college. The challenges and games the teachers play or throw our way seem like a work out of our will to suceed. We survive thier onslaught of verbal abuse, while picking up a few tidbits of information to fuel our own ideas.

It's a crazy process.

"It's a crime, Morgan and it's called business."

I said that.


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