Leave me a Note, Damn It!
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2001-12-24 - 9:49 a.m.


Belmo's Merry Christmas (BMC)

Well god damn, it's christmas.

All I want for christmas is not to throw up.

Now, that may sound terrible, and yes it is very terrible, but in all actuallity, that's all I want.

Let me explain.

Saturday, I went to go hang out with @ndy in NYC at Rob Vargas' place (yes, the person you probably don't know and the place of the other person you probably don't know. If you do, then yeah, them). On the way out to Brooklyn (where @ndy lives) we got Taco Bell and it fucked my stomach up big time. I got so shitty that I had to stop in a Starbucks to go to the bathroom because had I done it at Rob's, I surely would have kiled someone.

Merry Christmas Starbucks.

Anywho, we get to Rob's and have a few drinks before heading out to see Lord of the Rings...

Ok, now I have to talk about this fucking movie. I am all over the place about this movie, because as I liked the story and liked the graphics (which at times looked like it was real life when it was commputer animated) I couldn't help notice the Star Wars connection. Shit, they even had a glowing sword in it. As many people haven't seen it, I'm not gonna go into it, but shit man, I kept turning to @ndy and saying it was too much like Star Wars...the whole trilogy thing, the whole... well go see it. Also, if you're a fan of smoking weed, they smoke CONSTANTLY in the movie. The wizard has a pipe in his mouth almost every time you see him and if they were really smoking weed during the production, it would have taken about 5 pounds of it to get them through. Now...

So after the movie, we tried to go play in the arcade, but being that it was 2 am, it was closed. So we stole a bunch of candy from the bucket that they hand it out to people as samples from and threw it at each other. Rob started throwing quarters at @ndy and that's when a good time got better. We went back to Rob's place and started drinking like champions.

And that's all I remember.

Well, not all I remember. I remember walking back a little, then getting on the subway.

Then throwing up on the subway. Then throwing up at @ndy's house. Then throwing up...well you get the point.

When the dust had settled (actually more like my stomach) I came back home and @ndy stayed to watch the Simpsons.

The best part of this weekend was definitely the conversations me and @ndy had. We more or less figured out why we're here on the planet (not US but the royal "us") and how insanity is just not understanding someone and being too proud to think of them as equal to you. Probably the best conversation I've ever had.

So after @ndy left, to top off this wonderful weekend, I finally could start eating again at like 10 PM and I went into the fridge and grabbed the milk and took a long slug of it...a long slug of rotten milk. It was like 3 days bad and smelled terrible.

Round two.

So, really, all I need is for my stomach to get better, or I can always get a new stomach. Pepto Bismal in my stocking will make this the best Christmas.

I mean, shit, I already got a new bed. I don't need that much more.

Happy Holidays everyone.


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