Leave me a Note, Damn It!
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2003-07-01 - 7:03 p.m.


Politics run rampant

What doThis... This... And this have in common?

They're all reasons to be as afraid as possible.

Of course, that one about the unmanned drone that will attack terror groups or what have you in a matter of two hours or so from anywhere in the world is kind of funny. I mean, think about it. All you have to do is attack from ANYWHERE and just leave, knowing full well that in 2 hours, you'll be dead...if you stayed where you are.

By the way, J.Lo and Ben Affleck have a movie together, the commercial of which I have just seen as I wrote what I wrote. I also have other news -- my shirt is full of tears and vomit.

Anyway, URBAN SURVEILENCE SYSTEM! What the hell do they think they're doing? Granted, the IDEA is to watch after the troops and the area the troops are in, but who is taking these cameras down when they leave? And you know they're going to take two seconds, realize that there's urban areas here and blamo! Big Brother has made his 21st century debut. We're a good year or so away from it, guaranteed.

You realize there's technology available that, if it sees your face and recognizes it according to the photo "intelligence" that it is given, it can and will tell some police station somewhere where you are. And what happens when this 'foolproof' method of surveilence malfunctions and innocent people are taken in due to video fuckup. Or worse. What happens when it takes in innocent people - on purpose? What happens when that long arm of the law is being directed by an evil hand of corruption? All it would take is for you to piss off one person who can abuse this power when it is given to the police and you're fucked, allowing an almost untouchable existence to corrupt officials. And let's say someone is speaking out against our country in their country, a country that we have occupied and set up these surveilence sites. They have every right to get angry about us taking them over through army occupation. They've already seen what happens when someone uses an army to come in and tell them what's what - we just got rid of the guy who did it. And now we're the new Saddam. We've taken control and if these people get angry about it and try to fight for independence from us, an independence that was so vital for us to fight for all those years ago, we'll have surveilence videos as proof, we'll just say "Hey look at the video. They were getting hostile."

They were getting hostile because they want you to leave their home. Had surveilence equipment existed during Imperial times, Britain would have waived it all over Europe and that whole revolutionary war would have been squashed.

And the whole military anaylists thing, them saying they need backup. Wow. That's hilarious. Ever see a cop pull someone over, some 17 year old or someone who can do absolutely nothing, and then 3 more cars pull up and there seems like there's a 17 year old serial killer in a car that just ran a stop sign?

That's what this is.

We have an ARMY there, a huge faction of killing machines occupying an entire nation that is on the opposite side of the planet from here, in a spot that was taken control of by a militaristic force that walked in on tank treads and dug its heels into the country until the US pulled it out like a tick on a dog. These people are rough fucking people who have wars when they get bored. They invade Kuwait because they feel like it. They gas their own people because they got bored with them. The ruling class, a class of thugs, who sucked the lifeblood out of the country to set their agendas in place, just might be less than happy when you come in and mess up their program. So when you walk down streets with an M16 that is as tall as the troop holding it, with a tank rolling behind him, with an American flag waiving behind it and you're anywhere BUT America, they're going to get pissed. And if you do that in a country that is guaranteed to get pissed at the slightest thing, such as, oh I don't know, damn near anything, they're going to fight back.

Do not send more troops. There's a reason those people are attacking you: you're trespassing. They're just trying to get you out.

I mean, seriously, if someone was standing in your backyard with a huge ass gun and telling you that you need to move your chair over to the other side of the patio before they shoot you, wouldn't you tell them to get the hell out and if they refused to move, wouldn't you do something about it when you're finally tired enough listening to them tell you what to do with something that is none of their business?

Let me make a perfectly clear point here as well, because lately I have gotten a few emails telling me I'm too supportive of Iraq and that I'm just an uninformed anti-war hothead. True, maybe I don't know why they're over there. Maybe and that's just a maybe, people are trying to get rid of the US out of that country becasue there is a good reason to be there and we haven't found it yet and they don't want us to find it and blah blah blah. Maybe, possibly, it really is our duty to take care of this turmoil because we are the only superpower left and blah blah blah. Maybe we have to protect ourselves against terrorists and countries that house these terrorists and blah blah. Well tell me this. We're not the only powerful country in the world. I'll take an example with Canada. Canada is not under terrorist threat and if they are, you'd never know it. They don't have a homeland security, they don't have to worry about airports and if they do, it's not their fault. Same thing with Norway, same thing with Switzerland, same thing with the tons of other neutral countries. You know why? Because they don't stick their noses into other people's business, even if it means more business for them. They don't harrass people for their own self-interest. The crime levels in any of these countries are far below that of America, the health care is far better than that of America and the education levels of these countries are not really any worse than America, and in some cases are actually better. So try to tell me that America needs to deal with the world and that they have to worry about terrorists and I'll just tell you that now they do, because they made it that so. If you just kept out of people's shit, they'll have no other choice but to TAKE CARE OF IT THEMSELVES.

And all those people who say "It's not about blood for oil, this war is not over oil... There is presently a government in almost every South American country including Columbia and others that is worse than Iraq ever was. They treat their people like shit, the countries themselves are warzones and death traps and they hate us like crazy. If you want to clean up other people's mess, why worry about people all the way across the world and not send people into the nextdoor yard? You wouldn't even have to send them over in boats, you could drive down there and take care of them. The lack of oil looks like a pretty big factor. What ever happened to the war on drugs? Why didn't they fight the war on drugs where the drugs were? That's because there is no oil there. That's becasue there's no resources we have to rape down there and we're not interested in helping people who can't do business with us.

Maybe I'm too cynical, maybe I'm making these grand proclaimations that don't look at small details. Or maybe I just don't have to. Maybe it really is that cut and dry. Whatever happened to the threat of Korea? Do you hear about that too much? Not all that much anymore. Is shit going down in Korea? Yeah, shit is majorly going down in Korea. My sister keeps touch with a soldier in Korea and he has had plenty of missions to kill people. Have you heard abuot the attacks we do in Korea? No. You probably haven't.

So, to answer your question, there is plenty we could be doing but don't because we don't feel like it and plenty that we do that we shouldn't do and in the end, there's one thing we all used to do at one point that we let the corrupt, stupid people above take care of without our knowing and they used military missions to blind us to do what they do.

It's called take care of THIS country.


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