Leave me a Note, Damn It!
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2001-09-06 - 9:31 p.m.



Cold weather makes my body go all yeeech!

It's fucking cold in September. This is the curse of living under Canada's ass. I hate this aspect of school, because it forces me to dress up a little in September, teh month put aside to be the last month you'er allowed to wear shorts and a t-shirt...

And its only gonna get colder.

It's quite taxing to have a bunch of people miss you and not be able to do jack sht about it. If I had a car, I'd be in Lowell right now, then drive down to LI in the morning. I'm dead sure my parents have wept at least once, the sound of thier tears smacking the table top striking through the empty house in a disheartening whack. I've never been homesick before, ever. But this is further from anyone I hold close to me that I have ever been. The world is a cold desolate place when you haev no one to hold on to and have hold you up. NO one to congradulate you or notice when you do right. There is no light in your day when you dont have someone you love close by. This place is devoid of emotion; only partying. The kind of loose relationship with people that I despise, where if you mess up once, its all over. The only person here that has remained true and solid has been Shpunt, my roomate. He's been the man, helping me out when I fall down.

I'm all alone, like the bruised apple that never gets eaten from fruit baskets.

God dman it, I'm compating myself to produce.

Good luck to Center of the Earth tonight as they play thier CD release party with Piebald. I want a copy, one of those and a copy of the Harris D, for anyone out there listening. I wantis taht shit.

So yeah, I'm gonna go lie down and give myself a vacation from all this madness. And by the way, I hate hearing about things through IMs. If you're all bored and upset or whatever, give me a call here. 1 518-564-6549.

Think of it as teh Belmo consolation hotline. Laters


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