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2001-09-04 - 1:45 p.m.


F Dorm Partes

Diaryland is getting way too technical for its own good...

Weblog-diary style? Whatever happened to just writing what you felt and letting it just be appreciated regardless of form?

It's been an interesting few days. I foudn out rather shockingly to myself that Grand Royal is indeed going BANKRUPT (well there goes my whole theory on it getting big) and that you too can have spam for me addressed to you; just ask Tape (How someone can even make those stupid spam bots that find out what sites people use and then flood the mail boxes of those interested and still sleep at night is beyond me)

Also, I got busted for partying in a dorm room for the first time EVER. Never in Lowel did I ever get caught, but then again there were 20 people in the room and it was right next to the RA's room (which is dumb as all hell, but I didn't know it until someone said it after we got busted. That sucks.)

Can you believe that? The President of Mason Hall busted in a party on campus...

Oh that's right, I forgot to mention that too. I am offically the president of Mason Hall (running unopposed is a good thing. As the wise Prophet Homer once said "WOOHOO! I WIN BY DEFAULT! DE-FAULT DE-FAULT! Those are the best two words in the English Language!" And yes, that would be Homer the Simpson, not Homer the Blind.)

I'm also starting the poetry club. Go me.

Today I'm going to go find an Indian Reservation with my roomate because thier cigarettes are cheap and because I've always wanted to see one. I heard the Indians don't particularly like white people...must be something about that little issue of we took all thier land. I hope they don't get angry at me being there because my ancestors were assholes. I just want cigarettes. And maybe a peace pipe.

I'm still naseous from my last meal here. The food redefines horrible. Aramark is like fine cuisine compared to the vomit shovelled into my plate here. I would kill for a decent Buffalo Wing Wrap right about now... I wonder if Kenny makes house calls?

I don't know how much I'm gonna be able to write in this considering I haev to keep a journal for one of my writing classes and it is getting hard to write two different things. Fuck it. I love this crap. I'll probably end up doing both regardless.



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