Leave me a Note, Damn It!
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2002-04-08 - 11:53 p.m.


Fucking shit. Don't look at me to solve problems

I saw something about Diaryland in Rolling Stone a while back. I guess online diaries are the "in thing" now.

This will not stop me from typing in one. I've never done or not done something because it was or wasnt cool. I figure it like this: IF I chose not to do something becuase it's cool, something everyone else does, then indirectly they've still made my choice for me and I could be missing out on a lot of fun anyway.

Besides, countless people using Diaryland can't be wrong.

Aside from diary issues, I have to say that life right now its fucking sick ass. I haven't been this happy in a fucking damn long time. I guess shit does turn around for some people and I'm some people. Or person.

I'm getting scared though about next semester. Not so much about IF I'll make it back (puh. I've got a B average. For the first time in my life I'm not worried about grades.) but that when I do come back, where the fuck am I going to live or what am I going to take.

I'm sure the starving, dying countries of the world don't give a shit. AS right they should. But fuck you, it's my probelm. Maybe you should go where bombs aren't falling and food isn't scarce. Don't fucking cop an attitude because your all pissed off you got somewhere shitty to live.

I just realized I jsut had a fight with...myself. And it was an ignorant one....

I think I'm losing it as well as getting it all together.


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