Leave me a Note, Damn It!
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2002-04-07 - 2:58 p.m.


GOOOOOOOOO what a week.

Holy shit.

So if I was to go read my diary today, (which I don't becasue I already said those words so I know whats there and looking at them is a waste of time) I would have thought that the words that are there were put there by some weird creature who knew my password for Diaryland.

So now I look out through the vast cyber wasteland and I speak out with a new mouth, see things with new eyes, experience it all with a new brain.

And new interests.

I've managed to have the single best week of my entire life, having just turned 21. I've already bought rum, well over 50 beers, 2 kegs, countless bar drinks, played "Smoke on the Water" on the jukebox, threw up more times in one night than any other ever...

And I found someone who makes me smile.

Not to mention I've had Little Belmo come party Plattsburgh style, and in a week I'm going to Lowell to do it up the right way. I had a poetry reading that went well, published my own chapbook, got my other chapbook fully green lighted...

And I found someone who makes me smile.

See, when you put it in contrasts like that, you see what really matters.

Not trying to insult my Lowell brethren, but I am happy here right now. But I NEEEEEEEEEEEED to go to Lowell. NEEEED. CAPITAL FUCKING N QUADRUPLE E D. IT's that dire.

And oh yes, it will happen.


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