Leave me a Note, Damn It!
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2002-03-22 - 9:58 p.m.


It's when you stop moving that they get you and dont let go

Ever try to find yourself?


There I am.

Wait, none of those are me. Especially the one with the mullet.


That sorry excuse of a picture is me. The quote, unfortunately is mine. The 9.4 rating out of 10 is mine too. I guess things work out both ways too.

I didn't do anything other than renew my license, renew my ATM card and renew my sense of laziness this break. I think it's time I got a regiment of work again, because I'm slacking off like a motherfuck.

Weird people gravitate to me like I'm a freak magnet. Wallflowers are fun, Llamas are not.

Don't know what to do with myself till 9:45 on Sunday. I don't even know what to do with myself then. Damned if I know after as well.

I think I'm growing up to be food for worms.


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