Leave me a Note, Damn It!
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2002-04-11 - 1:43 a.m.


Panic Room

"so much at stake and so much I hate, so what if I'm buckling under the weight...." - ME, right now.

The last week has been nothing but odd. So much new responsibilities have shot into my life and now it's uncomfortable.

Lou is my Assassin in the Assassin game. He's the one who found weed in my room. Cannot let him win.

I had a very destructive day today. I lulled over things when I should have been acting upon them. I took a very lax stance on everything today and I got nothing done.

I have to get used to not being alone anymore. It's weird sometimes to think about someone else. But invited. Definitely invited.

I'm gonna go put my face in my pillow and pretend I can't notice how comfortable it is empty.


Last Few

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