Leave me a Note, Damn It!
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2002-04-15 - 12:45 a.m.


Hey hey hey, I'm EXXXXhausted.

Just I go to the top of the hill
Looking at all those stars
Thinking of you
Way up there
And I don�t want
No I don�t want to go home alone

- Will Brierly and the Roller Holsters "Yellow and Blue" (damn good to get that CD)

I got back from Lowell after what started as one of the better rides I've ever taken, complete with amazing sites and discussions of the unspoken occurences of'taking it to Fox' in the Bible with Lynch, to going to wait in Essex NY for 2 hours becuase I'm an idiot and didn't let people know when I was getting back because I honestly didn't know. At least I got to read up on All The Pretty Horses! (stupid fucking suppository writing...)

Lowell? Fun, without a doubt. Always is, always will be. There is always so much going on, even if it isn't all in one place, but I guess that's what bothered me. No unity. I saw people who used to hang out, even last semseter (and I'm wasn't even there) who weren't hanging out together. But then there was some people hanging out that I went PuHGUH? in surprise, good surprise on all accounts.

I've also never had such a high Corona : Spagetthi ratio mixing in my stomach at one given time, especially during Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure or an Andrew WK performance ...

who promissed me, in a flyer he autographed to me for someone else, that we will blow an endless load. I swear. At least that's what it says. If that's not what Andrew WK wants, then I got a one day head start if he changes his mind.

...which is never bad. I am sad that after I leave, I will have to worry about off-whitey continuing to bring the brotherman down.

I think I have somewhere to stay next semester here at school. And maybe for the summer too, as stupid as I feel saying those words. God, even Fat Albert knew better....

Fat Albert:(muffled, under cheeks)Mush Mouth, you act like school in the summer time
Mush Mouth:(under even more cheeks)WUhbuh Youbuh Bebuh Meananbuh?
Fat Albert:(sweating profusely)You know, school in the summer time. No class.


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