Leave me a Note, Damn It!
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2002-04-21 - 11:35 p.m.


Shake (and bake) Rattle and Roll

We're gonna have to feed you to the car, Jimmy.
Check out my rack.
I'm gonna fuck this car.
- Some things I wrote on a Volkswagon pamphlet I got on 4/20.

So the weekend of all weekends is over and it was...poo. Not to say that I didn't have fun, which I did, but the whole air left behind after the weekend is one of...well, I'm miserable, to put it bluntly.

hehehe I said blunt.

I've never had so much go from just right to shittubes in the span of a week. It's really been quite interesting, between weather that goes from piss warm to shit cold, with an earthquake in the middle just to spice things up, and from things heating up to just cooling off.

I know what that means, you don't have to.

I've been to Burlington and Montreal this weekend, and really I guess I come back from both with this: people suck balls, long and hard, the end. Not literally, as has been the case lately, but figuratively speaking. Burlington was not too bad, but it's weird to just see a bunch of people standing around doing jackshit despite having a fucking carnival in front of them.

I know it was 420 but shit, there was a free wall climb thing and no one used it. That's silly.

And then Montreal...holy shit. I hope there are no Canadians reading this, but your country, at least what I saw of it, sucks ass. Everyone there hates America, and I'm not going to be general statement man here and be like "ehhhh canadians hate us".

No. It's scientific fucking fact that they hate us.

I've never been treated like such an ass in my whole life. Now I can understand that there might be a language barrier and shit and that if you don't speak the language of the country, you're gonna get shit.

But these people were fucking viscious to no end and just really for no reason. I went with a bunch of people from the radio station and none of us frequent Canada where we could have been like "oooo let's go see the _____________". Shit, I didn't even know what the Expos stadium looked like until this giant toilet bowl looking thing pops out of nowhere and people were like "We're here!"

To where, a sewage convention?

So yeah, you're country is all fucked up. And your money looks like Monopoly money. And stop making fun of us in French. Some people know what you're saying and in the universal language of fuck off, le gofuckyourself, shitbox.

But other than stoned Americans and asshole Canadians, I'd say it was all interesting. And that's all I can really say about it.

But earthquakes kick ass.


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