Leave me a Note, Damn It!
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2004-02-26 - 11:28 a.m.


I wrote this at work


I can feel things slowly going south from here on out, to the point where I�m thinking about sterilizing myself so that I know I won�t be able to have kids. That way, I won�t subject one more person to such a crazy goddamned world.

I bet I get fined for saying goddamn in a diaryland entry.

The FCC, which has been given extra strength and resolve due to someone�s black titty popping out, has been tightening its grip on people across the country.

Howard Stern, who is only a Lowest Common Denominator laugh, getting a rise out of us at our basic human level with poop jokes and lesbians, is getting shut out of certain stations because he is deemed �too offensive�.

He hasn�t changed his show in years. YEARS! The only addition to his show is Artie and that man is hilarious. Nothing has changed on the show � only we have. It took a titty to topple Howard.

I�ve reiterated time and time again the natural flow of empires and this country is certainly that. We don�t see it, because we think of empires as this colonizing, dominating thing, only applicable to countries who take over other countries.

The new domination is business. The new colonization is industry.

We are a HUGE empire, with our globalization prevalent in every country you can think of. There are Iraqi KFCs. There are hardly any chickens in Iraq and yet you can buy a tub of chicken in Iraq. There are McDonald�s the world over. If you�ve read fast food nation, McDonald�s didn�t start out as a conglomerate monster � it was a glorified burger joint that had waitresses bring you full meals to your car in roller skates, with real utensils. After time, they dropped expensive things, kept burgers and fries, made a fast way to produce all of these things and brought in disposable (not necessarily biodegradable but disposable) utensils and the rest is history. An American business that has worldwide grasp.

So, it�s evident that we are an empire. We own islands that �aren�t ours� but are (ask Puerto Rico who it belongs to). We have our hand in �reconstruction projects� (Afghanistan? Kuwait? South Korea? Tons of other countries we might not know about?). We have a large and expansive control on many factors of the world.

So did the Romans.

Granted, we have a more global reach and it is under the guise of business. Romans didn�t have jets or large ships to send products. Romans didn�t even bother to cover it up in the veil of business either � they just flat out ruled you. But they toppled horribly and it was because they got too big for their britches.

A lot of this stems from lack of turmoil. Countries who are facing oppression will collectively fight more fiercely and passionately because they have more to lose. They will be eradicated if they don�t or subject to a submissive life. Look at us. We fucked up the British, considered by many at the time as an impenetrable force. Granted, the French gave us a hand with that but we still managed to win our independence.

We only have personal turmoil. Not anything that threatens your way of life too drastically. Our country will still be here even if people are getting abortions. Our houses will remain standing even if gay people marry each other. The streets will be filled with cars instead of rubble long after television and radio programs still produce �titillating and shocking� entertainment. These are not major problems. These are not major concerns.

Unless you are American.

If you are an American, the fact that there are homeless roaming the streets of every city, the fact that our country is going into skyrocketing debt most likely doesn�t concern you as much as, say, gay people marrying and the sanctity of marriage. I could understand if there was a concern for the economic ramifications of gay marriage. Marriage entitles certain economical benefits � you can claim people as dependents as well as put your spouse under medical benefits and life insurance under your name, you can bequeath items in your will easier as well as have your dying wishes carried out by your spouse without worry of the deceased family staking claim to burial rights. There is also a finality to it � the feeling that you have promised yourself to this person to the point that you have given up yourself to them. While the gay community represents a minority in the overall landscape of America, they have just as much of a right to enjoy the same liberties as a straight person due to the fact of �unalienable rights� that every human being has. All men are created equal and One nation under God are two mottos this country apparently tries to follow, but it�s getting to be more like a country of animals here, some Orwellian nightmare where some people are more equal than others.

This is just one single issue, with one side to it (mine) and although there are many layers to every single issue that plagues our worrisome minds, the point is these are just issues and not problems. These are NOT problems. Please recognize the difference. Gay people marrying will not make you bankrupt. Someone getting a cheap boob shot on the Super Bowl halftime show will not induce violence in young people. There are things that will kill you or oppress you. There are things that will enslave you and control you.

These issues are not those things unless you let them be.

While I applaud people using their first amendment rights to challenge other people�s first amendment rights and so on, let�s use some common sense when we do it. Lawsuits over FCC discrepancies and sanctity of marriage will only bog down the system we have installed to keep you safe and sound as a citizen. These trivial matters are YOUR concern and your concern only. Upset about gay marriage? Fine. Don�t attend gay weddings. Don�t support gay couples. It�s been done. Fathers and Mothers the world over have turned their backs on their own children because their lifestyle conflicts with that parent�s belief. It has happened before. If you�re worried about the �sanctity of marriage� be worried about the �sanctity of (your) marriage� instead. It�s not surprising that many senators and congress members who cry about gay marriage defiling marriage are themselves cheating bastards that have had many side endeavors in lust, cheating profusely on their spouses and the next day calling gay marriage an abomination because it cheapens marriage. This has happened. Was I there for it? NO. Can I guarantee it has happened at least once? YES. Once is all it takes. The moment someone who is controlling this country starts to push towards denying people something they themselves cannot properly maintain, it shows that you�d rather be in office than use that term for it�s purpose. And that is sabotage � that is as unpatriotic as it gets.

Worried about your TV cursing at children and radio cursing at children? There have been leaps and bounds in technology that are fully capable of preventing your child from being subjugated to such harsh things. V-chips and channel blocks and other such things. Because you are lazy does not give you the right to prevent everyone from enjoying in something. My tastes are worlds different than yours. Guaranteed. What offends one entices another and you telling me I am not allowed to hear fuck, shit, bitch or goddamned on radio or TV is more oppressive and revolting than you just sucking it up and dealing with reality. Taking the word fuck off of the TV will not kill the word. Preventing sex on television will not eradicate it � only increase the urge to partake in it so that we can become familiar with what we were prevented to see. The finest example of the difference between denying urges and controlling them is the Prohibition era in this country. When people couldn�t have booze, they just ended up making it, which caused lethal concoctions to be distributed, gangsters who disregarded the law became powerful and rich and the law was abolished anyway. Nowadays, alcohol is prevalent in our country but it is at least regulated. The alcohol itself is safer due to regulations in processing, the methods of purchasing it is watched by laws and alcohol is even taxed, bringing revenue to the country. To prevent something people desire is impossible but to make it so that it can be safely administered is perfectly possible.

So people who are stopped at television from these enticing things will seek them elsewhere. They will be forced to find other methods of fulfillment of their needs despite laws. You can never prevent the source of the information but you can control it. Use V-chips and other devices to deny your children access to horrible television stations. Watch what they listen to on the radio. Work on your problems at home first � don�t take it away from the whole country. And since no matter what you do, children will be introduced to these things since they are factors of real life, take the time to explain these things to them and make them understand that the titty popping out is a mistake or explain that fuck is a terrible word and that they shouldn�t do such things because they are wrong. At least to you. Don�t parent the country if you can�t even parent your child first.

I have just dedicated much time to explain my views on these things. I should never have had to do so. The real outrage is that we have allowed others to tell us what is right and wrong and the whole time, our leaders have been fleecing us. They�ll tell you they think abortions are wrong and gay people are evil and that television is immoral but they�ll also go out drinking, telling racist jokes while watching those TV shows and supporting companies, even taking kickbacks from them so that the immoral travesties that they commit can go unseen and unheard. There are always exceptions to any generalization, so when I say these things, keep in mind that there are senators who battle the world for the rights of the downtrodden, who will do battle for truth and fight to see wrongs righted. There are always model workers in any job that will the job right regardless of the sacrifice to themselves in the end. This is always true. But what is equally true is that there are people who are selfish and don�t do their work and will still act as if they have done nothing wrong.

And the corruption and pollution of our leaders and lawmakers has started the topple.

When a large tree is about to fall, it doesn�t just fall. It slowly gains momentum and sudden speeds to a frenzy of leaves and calamity that eventually crashes on the floor and is dropped. I can feel a slow decline already. I can feel the velocity of these times picking up and I can foresee the moment when everyone will suddenly look up and realize we�re on our backs and helpless, like turtles dying on a shore. And the entire time, we�ll waive flags and attack abortion clinics and protest concerts and sit still while someone else rides for free on our buck and laughs the whole way. And we�ll be told we were being patriotic the whole time. We�ll be told it�s the American Way to back your leader, the one who is bleeding you dry and gaining everything he wants. He wants you to be afraid that at any moment, al-Quieda will come crashing through our defenses and kill us all. He wants you to think the world is trying as hard as possible to get rid of us. And he may be right to an extent. But then again, did he do anything to prevent this? He sent troops over and turned a country that was under control somewhat, despite being run with an iron grasp by a madman, into a state of turmoil, angering many neighboring countries that previously just slightly despised us.

You may claim that terrorists have attacked us and that constitutes us running across the world to kill them. You can claim it all you want. I think we should have taken that as a sign that we are not liked and we should have come to them with reason and questions instead of troops and guns. Call me too pacifist for my own good, but our country is getting doubled over in debt, we�re slowly losing control of the countries we have invaded and we can�t even keep this country from bickering over homosexuals and nudity. We�re too busy being aggressive and fighting our way through problems instead of solving them. I wonder what the outcome of meeting with Arab nations and terrorist leaders in a peaceful attempt would have garnered? Instead, we used our ire, we used our fear and hatred, we used the death of 3,000+ to fuel a feud with hidden enemies, soldiers in shadows, that only show themselves through bloodshed and violence. We could have been negotiating with them and seen through this conflict but instead, we�re content with putting even more lives at risk, killing even more innocent people in Iraq and Afghanistan and ultimately coming no closer to an end to violence than ever. The Middle East is notorious for constant war, what with Israeli and Palestinean conflicts raging constantly and the rule of many of these countries being a militaristic one. Now we are playing in their age long game of death and strife � now we are combatants in their fight of futility. We will die because we couldn�t reach an agreement or swallow our pride for a second and we will live in fear, always looking over our shoulder to see the next incident take place. We will be stuck with soldiers carrying M-16s in our ports and stations, constant holdups at the borders because of our fear of infiltration, piles upon miles of money applied to locking down this country and for what? So the terrorists don�t win. They use death and weapons to get what they want, to gain your attention to their cause. Instead of answering with killing, we should have listened to what they were after and maybe then judged our actions accordingly. If it was in retaliation to our past actions towards them, then we should have made amends then and there, because if they�ll knock down two towers with planes over one transgression, you better believe blowing up their families and homes will only ensure future attacks. Our mission should not to prolong defending ourselves, but rather eradicate the need to defend ourselves by ensuring peace or at least understanding between us and our �enemies�.

Go ahead and agree with me or disagree with me as I couldn�t possibly have all the facts needed to create a supple solution to world problems. But what I speak of is just common sense, at least to me it is. Instead of attacking those you have problems with, attack your problems and see just what the hell is bothering you and solve your discrepencies for good instead of for now.

Otherwise, you�ll fight to the grave against your problems.

All the way to the ground.


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