Leave me a Note, Damn It!
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2001-04-16 - 8:45 a.m.



OHHHH GOD! Why am I up at 8:45? What the hell is wrong with me? I hate being sick more than anything in the world, because I am NEVER sick, but when I am it's collosal. I don't just get a little cough and stuffy nose that most people get adn can cure up with Halls. Oh no, that would be too easy...I get like ebola or malaria or yellow fever. I get diseases that laugh at NyQuil and say "HAHAHAHAHHAHAAH you ass! No liquid medicine can save you now! Even the almighty Q is powerless to me!" And then I wake up at random times feeling both sick AND drugged up. NO more NyQuil for Belmo.

Well, Easter came and went. The laundry and work didnt though. Still sitting there, smiling and laughing. Procrastination is easy if you're sick. So is failure.

The good thing about today is that its Monday. Don't get me wrong, I hate Mondays with a fiery fucking passion, but this one is a made up holiday day (well for me at least). It's Patriot's Day! YAHHHHHH! (For those of you outside of New England, Patriots Day is a lot like Memorial Day, only its in April. Just another day to celebrate the veterans...or just sleep in because no one really cares. You know, either or) So, now I can stare at my homework for yet another day and laugh at my laundry again. At least everyone is coming back to the dorms from Easter.

Ok, I have to get back to bed I can't stand being up so early. It makes me feel like I'm capable of actually achieving something. PBBBBBBBT!

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