Leave me a Note, Damn It!
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2001-04-15 - 1:27 p.m.


Easter (God damn you)

AHHHHHHHHH Easter Sunday. I usually relate this morning to waking up and running in my sisters room, kicking her awake, waking up my parents (I'm an asshole about waking people up) and going downstairs to find a basket full of candy designed SOLELY to rot my teeth into my head. Thne its time for family to come over and we have a nice dinner and all laugh and whatnot. Good time.

Instead, I wake up at 12:30 with a face full of snot instead of candy (God bless illness on holidays) and instead of waking my sister or parents up, I woke up to the sight of my suitemate kindly scratching his nuts and calling me an asshole (This is no family, let me assure you.) Then its off to the glamourous (and I wish that there was a true way to show sarcasm over the internet; there is none) settings of the dining hall where my hastily and poorly made dinner will be prepared for me by people who really don't want to be there (so you KNOW they have quality of food on their mind...I don't blame them). After these exquisite culinary achievements are "enjoyed", its off to the solice of an 8 man suite with only 2 men left in it. To pass the time, I have a hill of laundry to do and multiple long term school assignments to finish (a 3-5 paper for philosophy being one of them). Then, if I'm lucky, I'll get some sleep (Because along with being a sickly bastard, I've also obtained quite a case of insomnia.... goody). This is my Easter; enjoy your day with family.

Is this what I can look forward to? When I'm old, is this it? I wake up and do nothing, call my parents, wish them a happy easter and then eat Spagehttios out of the can? I really hope that this is the worst easter I'm ever gonna have, because I'm sure homeless people are in a shelter right now and this is the brightest day they've seen in a long time; meanwhile, this is by far the worst I've ever felt in my life. I don't mean to be like "EHHHH SCREW HOMELESS PEOPLE" because they have to get theirs too. Aw, fuck it , this sucks regardless who you are.

Despite the poor food conditions, my poor health conditions and my poor boredom conditions, the worst condition you can be in is alone. Cheers.

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