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2001-04-14 - 8:29 p.m.


Belmo O'Ds on NyQuil (F Easter)

This is the first step in god knows how many will be taken towards an online diary. These things are silly, but I decided to be silly for once (actually, nah, I don't think I'm ever serious, but this is boredom we're talking about here, not common sense).

If you ARE reading this, I already know you and I don't really need to tell any thing about myself, because chances are, you already know them and are tired of hearing about that time that blahdiddy blah blah with the blah bleee. I don't think I have to argue this point.

Today is Oh my god its saturday, the day after Good Friday. I don't know whether or not the Catholic Church named this day, but it gets no respect, seeing as Good Friday and Easter Sunday get mad props. I am at college now, wondering what in the hell is goign on, seeing as no one is here because of easter.... you all deserted me. Oh well, time to put on a loud and annoying CD, sing along and swill NyQuil (for you see, I'm sick too. Happy F'ing Easter...I'll probably get some exotic disease in my easter basket as a finale) until my eyes pop out or until I'm not sick anymore. I'm betting on me with no eyes... Ok, enough sickly headed banter. Screw you guys, I'm NOT going hooooome.

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