Leave me a Note, Damn It!
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2001-04-17 - 4:45 p.m.



F THIS F'ING DAY!!!!!!!!

I hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate mathematics. Screw calculus in the asshole! I failed my Calc II test REALLLLLY bad and I don't know how that will affect my being able to return to school next semester. I HATE YOU CALULUS! AND PHYSICS TOO! YOU BOTH CAN KISS MY ASS! AHHHHHHHHHHHH!

Ok, with that being said, luckily I am not sick as much anymore. SO now, I just get runny noses and cough. I wish that life wasn't so bitterly cruel at times but that's just fucking pointless to argue. I'm starting to smile a lot less and life isn't as good as it used to be. I think I'm having a mental breakdown from stress and the only source of relief I find is the occasional pick me up that only friends and loved ones (you too darc) can provide. I hope I have the strength to see this through. Fuck it, I will see this through. I can't let these things, like stupid classes and sickness, make me upset. I'm gonna go out and do something I haven't done in the longest time. I'm gonna go sit and watch the sun until it disappears and then sit there and enjoy the gift of life I've been given. I refuse to turn my back on all the happiness I've had.

Ok, enough of this shit. Later.

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