Leave me a Note, Damn It!
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2001-04-18 - 2:56 p.m.


Cruel Movie

I'm plotting and planning my way back into things for school. I don't know how or what I'm gonna do, but it will work, I hope to god. We'll see how it goes.

I have learned a valuable lesson just in the past 24 hours. If something was done right the first time, DON'T DO IT AGAIN! EVER! This was "happily" shown to me through the movie Cruel Intentions 2. Now, I know many of you are thinking "WAIT! Belmo, they never made a sequel to that great movie!" Well, I have seen it with my own eyes. And it was awful.

I will not waste this entire entry on it, but it brought such a disgust to my heart that I have to comment on it a little. It was set before the first movie and it tells how Sebastion (Ryan Phillipe in the first one) becomes a womanizer. Right here is where the connection to the first movie splits. It was filmed like a no-sex-scene porno and written probably by the same people that do afterschool specials. The actors used to play the two main characters from the first one were replaced by the first boy and girl that walked past the movie lot that day. The school became a stupid childish place, unlike the first one where everyone was extremely mature. I felt like someone was playing a joke, but when I realized that the joke was renting this movie, I got pissed off.

Which taught me that when you have something good in life, trying to improve on it when its over can be disatrous. You just have to appreciate things when they end and go "Damn, that was good." and walk away, or you'll end up making an afterschool porn special that is evil.

Or maybe not, you know either or.

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