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2001-04-21 - 12:36 a.m.


Home at Last

AHHHHH It's 12:30. Normally, I'd be up at college and I'd be walking around, saying hi to everyone. But instead, I came home for a weekend, to get away from it all. I didn't get to have a decent Easter and I wanted to see my family again. My dad got tickets to this broadway remake of one of Mel Brooks' best movies, the Producers, around christmas time for us. He loves that movie and couldnt wait to go. So it's also his birthday on teh 22nd, which means we take a christmas gift and turn it into a birthday gift and actually be here. I got to get him a good card or do something nice...

I love being home. It reminds me of every thing I came from. My true past, where everyone is looking out for me and making sure I get where I want to be. I love this feeling, the true caring. It makes you feel like you're doing the right thing by going to college. I want to make them all proud of me and repay them for thier kindness with success. I will make them proud.

BUt I must get better. I still am sick. Now I just get really bad headaches, and a stuffy nose. Things just can't get any better...

Ok, time to go to bed now. Got to wake up early to enjoy my day tomorrow. Later.

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